

About us

Main funding institute

The Dutch Research Council is the most important science funding bodies in the Netherlands and realises quality and innovation in science.

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op education and research are at the heart of the oldest and largest technical university in the Netherlands. Our common mission: impact for a better society.

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Utrecht University is a wide-range, international research university of high standing. Interdisciplinary research themes include: life sciences, pathways to sustainability, dynamics of youth, institutions for open societies.

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Since its foundation, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam has stood for scientific and value-driven education, research and knowledge transfer. VU Amsterdam is a unique university with faculties in the humanities, STEM, social sciences and medical sciences.

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University of Twente is home to state-of-the-art research institutes and lab facilities in the field of nano- and biomedical technology, IT, technical medicine, governance and behavioural sciences, engineering and geo-information science and earth observation.

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Research institutes

Deltares is a mission-driven Dutch knowledge institute for water and soils. hrough applied research, in-depth knowledge is developed that is necessary and useful for decisions concerning quality of life.

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STOWA (Acronym for Foundation for Applied Water Research) is the centre of expertise of the regional water managers (the Dutch Water Authorities). Its mission is to develop, collect, distribute and implement applied knowledge, essential for an effective and efficient water management. Topics of expertise range from applied technical, scientific to administrative-legal, health and social science.

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Government institutions

As a regional water authority, Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier is a government organisation. Major tasks include: inhabitants have dry feet and land doesn't get flooded, there is sufficient fresh water, there is sufficient clean water and the roads are safe..

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Valkenburg aan de Geul is a municipality in the south of the province of Limburg. The flooding of the summer of 2021 caused considerable damages in the municipality.

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Waterschap Limburg ensures safe dikes, dry feet, clean water, and sufficient water in the province of Limburg.

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The High Water Protection Program (HWBP) is an alliance of the 21 water boards and Rijkswaterstaat. To prevent floods in the Netherlands, we will collectively reinforce 2,000 kilometers of dikes and 400 locks and pumping stations throughout the country over the next thirty years.

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The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality

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Safety, mobility and quality of life in the Netherlands. That’s what Rijkswaterstaat is working on. So people are protected against flooding. So they can get from A to B quickly and safely. And so they live in a country with sufficient green space, and enough clean water and drinking water for everyone

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Aveco de Bondt assists governments and market parties with issues in the fields of water, infrastructure, climate, construction, and sustainability. They conduct research, design artistic and architectural works, provide advice on approach and policy, and support projects in implementation.

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Infram Hyden is active in the fields of project and process management, consultancy, and innovation and development concerning the physical living environment.

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Verbond van Verzekeraards represents more than 95 percent of all insurers in the Netherlands. As an advocate for its members, the association responds to social developments and connects the insurance sector with society.

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As a consulting and engineering firm, Witteveen + Bos operates in the fields of water, infrastructure, environment, and construction. Together with stakeholders, they contribute to social, ecological, and economic progress, with the sustainable development goals of the United Nations serving as an inspirational guideline.

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Defacto Urbanism connects urban and landscape design with contemporary challenges such as climate change, circularity, green cities and water management.

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Fugro uses the power of Geo-data to unlock the secrets of Earth to build a safer and more liveable world.

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Van den Herik-Sliedrecht is a medium-sized water construction company active in Europe. Activities include: dredging, coastal and riverbank works, construction and maintenance of ports, lock complexes, and weirs, surveying and measuring work, and detection of explosives.

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Achmea is the cooperative parent company of, among others, Centraal Beheer, Interpolis, and Zilveren Kruis. With millions of customers, Achmea is the largest insurance company in the Netherlands.

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TAUW is a European consultancy firm with a strong position in environmental advice and making sustainability feasible.

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Waardenburg Ecology is the largest independent ecological research and consultancy firm in the Netherlands.

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Roem van Yerseke B.V. is a family company established in 1942 in Yerseke, the Netherlands.

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Boskalis provides innovative and competitive total solutions in the offshore energy sector, ports, and coastal and delta areas worldwide.

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ELEMENT Advocaten has expertise in each niche of environmental law, including safety issues, nature conservation law, water law, spatial planning and specific areas such as biocides, pesticides, freedom of information.

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HKV operates on a three-part mission that aims to create a safe and sustainable environment for everyone related to our business; employees, clients, partners, suppliers and society.

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Obscape supplies real-time systems for environmental and industrial observations.

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Skygeo provides their clients with essential geotechnical insights that allow them to understand very early how ground movement will impact their valuable assets.

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WWF is in the field to protect and restore nature. From Limburg rivers to the Amazon rainforest, from Caribbean coral to African wildlife.

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International collaboration

Biodiversity, functioning ecosystems, clean water and intact soils all make up our natural resource base. In the face of global change, employees at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ are united by the goal of demonstrating ways to combine societal development with a healthy environment.

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Monash is a modern, global, research-intensive university, delivering education and research excellence in Australia and across the Indo-Pacific.

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The Institute for a Disaster Resilient Texas aims to provide foundational data and tools necessary to deliver critical research on disaster risk reduction, support state agencies with data analytics and decision-making tools, and generate evidence-based solutions that help Texas communities become more resilient.

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Adequate protection against flooding and adaptation of the flood defence system to climate change are essential to safeguard the existence of the Netherlands. In this program “Future FRM Tech” we will develop necessary new technical and nature-based solutions for flood risk management and climate adaptation. This includes the development of flood resilient landscapes for rivers and estuaries, and innovative technical flood defence solutions like structures in dunes and high-tech monitoring systems. Using case studies for the Lek and Geul rivers, and the Eastern Scheldt, we demonstrate the added value and develop knowledge to ensure successful implementation in practice.

The Future FRM Tech team at the project kick-off

The Future FRM Tech team consists of 9 PhD candidates, 6 Postdocs, and our supervisors. We work at four different universities. We have a very diverse background ranging from civil engineering to law and from environmental economics to hydrology. Together we aim to deliver new and better flood risk management strategies. We work together on several case studies spread out over The Netherlands. We collaborate with our end users by organizing consortium meetings and workshops. As a research group we are led by prof. dr. ir. Bas Jonkman (professor of Hydraulic Engineering, Delft University).

Last modified: 07/08/2024