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Program day 2022

Posted at 01/07/2022 by Mw. J. Grootveld

Contact details

Mw. J. Grootveld



On July 1st, the SALTISolutions program day will take place at Deltares in Delft. It will be a day to meet up with all consortium members, discuss the latest results, brainstorm about applications and get inspired about the SALTISolutions program. It will be a day-filling program, followed by drinks and a BBQ at the end of the day. The program for the day can be found below.

Practical information

  • Location: Deltares Delft (Boussinesqweg 1, 2629 HV Delft), Patio
  • Doors open: 09:30 h
  • Start program: 10:00 h


Guest speakers

Prof. dr. Hans Burchard

Hans Burchard is Professor for Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation at the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde (Germany). He is specialized in studying coastal ocean physical processes, mostly by means of numerical models.

ir. Aris Witteborg

Aris Witteborg is a senior consultant Digital Smart Water and has experience as a strategy consultant Information Management Water at Royal HaskoningDHV. Witteborg will present on Digital Twins from a consultancy perspective.

Prof. dr. ir. Wilco Hazeleger

Wilco Hazeleger is dean of the Faculty of Geosciences and professor of Climate System Science at Utrecht University. Hazeleger is closely involved in Open Science and applications of AI and data science in sustainability research, and will present on Digital Twins from a research perspective.

Demo market

A market with examples of Serious Games, Digital Twins and other information visualization tools.

SALTISolutions Virtual Delta Digital Twin: v0.1 (Meinard Tiessen)

River care demo (Robert-Jan den Haan)

A serious game where players experience how the river system functions and what the implications of in particular spatial riverine measures are.

Serious game Rhine-Meuse Delta (Ymkje Huismans)

Dry weather, declining discharges and a potential storm surge. Salt intrusion in the Rhine-Meuse Estuary is expected to increase, while due to the drought extra water is need flushing of polders, irrigation and drinking water. How to act?
In this region seven local water authorities and Rijkswaterstaat are responsible for the water management. They coordinate their measures, as to optimally mitigate the effect of salt intrusion and distribute the remaining water. A challenging task because of the combination of complex system dynamics, partially opposing interests for the distribution of water and uncertainties in weather forecasts.
In the context of “Slim Watermanagement” this serious game has been developed which provides insight into how the water system functions, what the effect of measures is and on how to optimally collaborate while representatives of the navigation sector, drinking water companies and the press are increasing the pressure.

Sustainable Delta Game (Andrew Warren)

Sustainable Delta is a serious game that informs and enables communities, stakeholders, elected officials and the general public to better understand water systems and their related restoration and protection measures. It teaches players the importance of negotiation in decision making as well as how to make smarter investment decisions given an uncertain future.

Sand Engine Digital Twin (Royal HaskoningDHV)

Using the innovative sand engine approach, Royal HaskoningDHV worked with terminal operators and the local authority of the Bacton gas terminal to build a nature-based solution that will protect the terminal and surrounding areas for another 15 years. A custom digital twin of the Bacton beach was build to optimize long-term management of the beach. This will help make the terminal and the villages resilient to long-term coastal change.

Information visualization and decision support tools (HydroNET)


Last modified: 30/06/2022