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Introduction: Inge van Tongeren

Posted at 24/10/2024

Inge van Tongeren

Hi! My name is Inge van Tongeren and I am a PhD of SALTISolutions.

My study background is in physics. I did a BSc Physics and Astronomy and a MSc Climate Physics, both at Utrecht University. For my master project I worked on modelling salt intrusion in an estuarine tidal network. Since I really liked to work on studying salt intrusion during the project, I decided to apply for a PhD position within SALTISolution. In my free time, I like to dance, travel, hike, go to the cinema and play board games with friends.

For my PhD, I work in the Hydraulic Engineering department at TU Delft. Involved in my project, are Robert Jan Labeur, Julie Pietrzak and Matias Duran Matute. My project specifically studies salt intrusion through shipping locks. In order to do this, I have been working with the 3D non-hydrostatic model Finlab.

Initially, I have been using the model to increase understanding about the physics behind salt intrusion through shipping locks. Later on, I will use the model to accurately simulate the salt intrusion through Zeesluis IJmuiden (which is the biggest shipping lock in the world). Eventually, I will work on an accurate way to include the effect of salt intrusion through shipping locks into far field models. These far field models consider salt intrusion in the delta on a large spatial scale. An example of such a model is D-Flow FM, which is used by Marlein (another PhD within SALTISolutions). During the project, I will also work with field data, acquired during measurements in the IJmuiden locks.

Until now, I enjoyed meeting and working together with all the other PhDs within SALTISolutions. Furthermore, I discovered that the physics behind my topic is even more interesting than I already expected. I am looking forward to increase the understanding of this physics and curious what new insights all the projects within SALTISolutions will bring.

Here, I joined Rijkswaterstaat, during measurement in the IJmuiden locks. Source: Floor Bakker

Last modified: 17/03/2022