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Introduction: Jesse Bootsma

Posted at 13/03/2025 by Jesse Bootsma

Jesse Bootsma

Jesse Bootsma

University of Twente

Hello everyone!

My name is Jesse Bootsma and last Monday, the 16th of May, was my first day as a PhD candidate in the MFS group! I will join the SALTISolutions project in which my focus will be on both modelling and remote sensing with regard to nature based solutions. I already had the opportunity to meet some of you when I went around to shake hands together with Bas, but I hope to meet all others soon!

After a couple of months in Delft, where I performed my master thesis, I’m back in Twente now. I’ve followed both my Bachelor and Master in Civil Engineering at the UT, with a specialization in River and Coastal Engineering during my Master. In my master thesis I’ve compared two coastal flooding models on a global scale: a simple Bathtub approach and a more complex LISFLOOD-AC model. During my thesis I was located in Delft, since I performed the project externally at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education. Unfortunately, due to Covid, the experience of an external thesis projects was a bit less attractive than expected. However, I still enjoyed doing research and my curiosity in the field of coastal research raised during those months. When I saw the opportunity for a PhD position at the UT it did not take me long to decide to go for it. The informal atmosphere at the UT and the societal relevance of the conducted research are things I really appreciate. Furthermore, I’m looking forward to get to know more about nature based solutions and remote sensing, in which especially the latter is a new field to me. Two weeks ago I graduated and since last weekend I’m living in Enschede again. Therefore you would see me around in the Horst basically every day! Since remote sensing will be integrated during my PhD, I might also be at the ITC faculty now and then.

Next to my interest in coastal research, I really enjoy riding my bike and being on the ice rink in winter. In both cycling and ice speed skating I perform in competitions, which is luckily easy to combine since both sports are mainly in another season! In my youth I tried to become a professional shorttrack speed skater, but since I just joined the MFS group you’ll all notice that I did not succeed in the end 😉. Besides spending a lot of hours on my bike I enjoy hanging out with friends for a coffee or a beer. I’m always open for a chat and hope to get to know all of you better in the near future!



Last modified: 14/06/2022