NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

River Co-learning Arenas: Principles and practices for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation and multi-scalar (inter)action

Local Environment

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Tubino de Souza, D., L. Hommes, A. Wals, J. Hoogesteger, R. Boelens, B. Duarte-Abadía, J.P. Hidalgo-Bastidas, E. Huijbens, L.M. Harris, D. Suhardiman, L. Melsen, T. Buijse, F. de Castro, L. Cremers, B. Hogenboom, M. Garcia Vargas, D. Roca-Servat, G.J. Veldwisch & K.J. Joy

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