NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsA laboratory-scale numerical study of the effects of bank-attached vane submergence on flow pattern and bed shear stress distribution.
Bahrami-Yarahmadia, M., R. Erick, M. Shafai-Bejestana & E. Mosselman - 10/02/2025
Do vegetated intertidal areas alter currents on an estuarine scale?
Jesse Bootsma, Bas W. Borsje, Daphne van der Wal, Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher - 31/01/2025 - SALTISolutionsSubsite currents eco-hydrodynamic modelling saltmarsh species scheldt estuary spatially extended effects
Trade-offs in ecosystem services under various river management strategies of the Rhine Branches
Kok, S., S. Le Clec'h, W.E. Penning, A.D. Buijse & L. Hein - 28/01/2025
Mapping Microplastic Movement: A Phase Diagram to Predict Nonbuoyant Microplastic Modes of Transport at the Particle Scale
Hadeel Al-Zawaidah, Merel Kooi, Ton Hoitink, Bart Vermeulen & Kryss Waldschläger - 23/01/2025
Microplastic Characterization and Transport Mode —A Flow-Integrated Approach to Sampling Urban Waterways
Clare Murphy-Hagan, Andrew B. Gray, Samiksha Singh, Hannah Hapich, Win Cowger, Meredith E. Seeley & Kryss Waldschläger - 23/01/2025
Sand Dunes as a Nature-Based Solution to Mitigate Salt Intrusion in Stratified Estuaries
Sem J. Geerts, Wessel M. van der Sande, Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher, Bernard J. Geurts, Pieter C. Roos - 23/01/2025 - SALTISolutionsSubsite estuarine sand dunes mixing nature based solutions process-based modeling salt intrusion stratified flow
FRM in focus: video
17/01/2025 - Future FRM TechSubsite Video & Audio
Observations of Estuarine Salt Intrusion Dynamics During a Prolonged Drought Event in the Rhine-Meuse Delta
Tess M. Wegman, Julie D. Pietrzak, Alexander R. Horner-Devine, Henk A. Dijkstra, David K. Ralston - 25/12/2024 - SALTISolutionsSubsite salt intrusion
River Dune Behavior in Dredged Areas
L. R. Lokin, W. S. Kruis, R. P. Van Denderen, S. J. M. H. Hulscher - 06/12/2024
River Co-learning Arenas: Principles and practices for transdisciplinary knowledge co-creation and multi-scalar (inter)action
Tubino de Souza, D., L. Hommes, A. Wals, J. Hoogesteger, R. Boelens, B. Duarte-Abadía, J.P. Hidalgo-Bastidas, E. Huijbens, L.M. Harris, D. Suhardiman, L. Melsen, T. Buijse, F. de Castro, L. Cremers, B. Hogenboom, M. Garcia Vargas, D. Roca-Servat, G.J. Veldwisch & K.J. Joy - 02/12/2024