NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsNCR Annual Report 2024
Netherlands Centre for River studies - 18/03/2025
NCR Annual Programme 2025
Netherlands Centre for River studies - 18/03/2025
Bifurcation Instability Modulated by a Connecting Channel Leads to Periodic Water Partitioning in a Simple Channel Network
Gao, W., Wang, Z. B., Kleinhans, M. G., Shao, D., Zhu, Z., & Yang, Z. - 17/03/2025
Modelling the adaptation of estuarine morphology to macrobenthic bioturbation and sea level rise
Brückner, M. Z. M., Coco, G., & Kleinhans, M. G. - 17/03/2025
Hydro-morphological effects of bridge-crossings on large braided/anabranched sand-bed rivers
Akram, M.R., M. Khan & A. Crosato - 05/03/2025
Climate and human-induced variability in Holocene Lower Meuse deposition (the Netherlands) identified from the meta-analysis of radiometric data
W.H.J. Toonen, H.A.G. Woolderink, T. Dorrestein, M. van Noord, H.J. Pierik, P. Bakker, C. Kasse - 26/02/2025
Ontogenetic shifts by juvenile fishes highlight the need for habitat heterogeneity and connectivity in river restoration
Twan Stoffers, Anthonie D. Buijse, Jan Jaap Poos, Johan A. J. Verreth, Leopold A. J. Nagelkerke - 24/02/2025
Nonlinear modeling of river dunes: Insights in long-term evolution of dune dimensions and form roughness
W.M. van der Sande, P.C. Roos, T. Gerkema, S.J.M.H. Hulscher - 18/02/2025 - SALTISolutionsSubsite flow roughness flow separation morphodynamic modeling nonlinear river dunes
A laboratory-scale numerical study of the effects of bank-attached vane submergence on flow pattern and bed shear stress distribution.
Bahrami-Yarahmadia, M., R. Erick, M. Shafai-Bejestana & E. Mosselman - 10/02/2025
Do vegetated intertidal areas alter currents on an estuarine scale?
Jesse Bootsma, Bas W. Borsje, Daphne van der Wal, Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher - 31/01/2025 - SALTISolutionsSubsite currents eco-hydrodynamic modelling saltmarsh species scheldt estuary spatially extended effects