NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

10 Years NCR

NCR Days 2008 Book of Abstracts

NCR is the abbreviation for the Netherlands Centre for River studies. It is a collaboration of nine major scientific research institutes in the Netherlands, which was established on October 8, 1998.
Consequently in 2008 NCR celebrated its 10th anniversary. NCR’s goal is to enhance the cooperation between the most important scientific institutes in the fieldof river related research in the Netherlands by:

  • Building a joint in-depth knowledge base on rivers in the Netherlands in order to adequately anticipate on societal needs, both on national as well as international level;
  • Strengthening the national and international position of Dutch scientific research and education;
  • Establishment of a common research programme

NCR strives to achieve this goal by:

  • Committed cooperation, in which the actual commitment of the participating parties is expressed;
  • Offering a platform, which is expressed by the organisation of meetings where knowledge and experiences are exchanged and where parties outside NCR are warmly welcomed.

The committed cooperation and collaboration is based on a programme. This programme was first published in October 2000 and was actualised in August 2001, August 2004 and November 2006. The platform function is expressed amongst others by the organisation of the so-called annual NCRdays. The publication at hand contains the proceedings of the NCR-days, organised on November 20-21, 2008.

Since we were celebrating our 10th anniversary the proceedings of the NCR-days 2008 are appropriately subtitled ’10 years NCR’.

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A.G. van Os, C.D. Erdbrink (Eds.)



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