NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

Managing changing rivers

NCR Days 2020 Book of Abstracts

Rijkswaterstaat welcomes you at the 22nd annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR-days)!

The venue of the NCR days is the Honigcomplex in Nijmegen, along the River Waal, an inspiring location for a river congress. Managing the River Waal, as well as the other Rhine branches and the River Meuse, is one of the main tasks of Rijkswaterstaat and we notice that this management is changing. The reason is diverse: the river is used more and more intensively, the users have conflicting demands, large river interventions have recently been completed and new ones are already foreseen.

The impact of all these demands and interventions have large consequences on the functioning of the river system and the way we need to manage this. Meanwhile the climate is changing, which reflects in a rising sea level (the downstream boundary of our rivers), changing discharges (the upstream boundary of our rivers) and more and longer periods of low discharges. The consequences of climate change for the lay out of the river are yet unknown, but they will not leave the river unaffected. That is why we have chosen the theme of these NCR days to be: Managing changing rivers rivers. We have put an exciting and interesting program together around this theme, focusing on the main tasks of Rijkswaterstaat: water safety, clean and healthy water, fast and safe waterborne transport, and water availability.

Keynotes will be given by Katja Portegies, Director at Rijkswaterstaat WVL, Professor Frans Klijn of Deltares/TU Delft, Professor Chris Spray of Dundee University and Milou Wolters, Strategic Advisor of Rijkswaterstaat. From their own perspective, they will reflect on the central theme ‘Managing changing rivers’.

This Book of Abstracts contains 53 abstracts from all presenting participants of the NCR Days 2020.

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Koen Berends



Boersema, M., Schielen, R.M.J., van Eijsbergen, E., Rinsema, J.G. (Eds.)



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