NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
NCR Days 2014 Book of Abstracts
The Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR), established on October 8th 1998, is a collaboration of nine Dutch research institutes with the goal to enhance cooperation in the field
of river-related research. One of the NCR activities is to organize the NCR-days, an annual conference organized in rotation by the institute members. The edition of 2014 is organized in
Enschede by the University of Twente.
At the end of 2013, a consortium build around the NCR members was granted a large research programme called RiverCare funded within the so called Perspectief Programme of
the Dutch Science and Technology Foundation (STW) and supported by many public and private partners. RiverCare is an ambitious research programme that aims at a better
understanding of the fundamental processes that drive ecomorphological changes in rivers, predict the intermediate and long-term developments and develop best practices to reduce the
maintenance costs and increase the benefits of interventions. The programme consists of 20 research positions and will boost river research in the Netherlands over the next 5 years in
which NCR can also play a prominent role.
Since RiverCare is still in the start-up phase, results will only become available over the next years. During these NCR-days a brief overview of the intentions of RiverCare will be given. As
keynote speakers we have invited some international renowned researchers on themes that form a central place in RiverCare. So will Prof. Geoffrey Petts from the University of
Westminster discuss the challenges in ecohydraulics for regulated rivers, Prof. Ton Breure from Radboud University and National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
will elaborate on ecosystem services in environmental management and Dr. Igor Mayer from the Delft University of Technology will explain what the role of serious gaming could be in river
management. In addition, Prof. Paul Bates from the University of Bristol will review the modelling of flood inundation, another important aspect in river research. The 21 oral
presentations and 11 posters at these NCR-days are a sample of the current research on river related topics. We hope it will be an educating and inspiring programme.
Finally we would like to thank Koen Berends, secretary of the NCR programme committee, and Anke Wigger, secretary of the Marine and Fluvial System group at the University of
Twente, for their immense support during the organisation of these NCR days. Also the financial support of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and the
Institute for Innovation and Governance Studies (IGS) at the University of Twente are greatly acknowledged.
Denie Augustijn
Jord Warmink
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