NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

Research for managing rivers: present and future issues

NCR Days 2004 Book of Abstracts

These proceedings are the product of the NCRdays 2004, held 46
November 2004 in Wageningen. The NCRdays are a yearly conference at which mainly young scientists present their ongoing research on a wide variety of fluvial subjects. Since 2000, the NCRdays have been organised in
rotation by different institutes represented in the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR). With the NCRdays 2004, organised by Alterra, the first lustrum of this event was reached.

The conference centre ‘De Wageningse Berg’, hosting the NCRdays 2004, is an excellent location for a conference on rivers: it sits on top of a steep hill offering a magnificent view on the river NederRijn and its floodplain (see Photo). In this inspiring setting we welcomed 141 participants, the greatest number since the start of the conference series. Among them were 22  participants giving an oral presentation. Additionally, 24 posters were presented. For the first time, four workshops were organised, with the objective to initiate discussion on how to match ‘supply and demand’ of research on different issues of present interest. The idea to include  workshops in the conference programme was an outcome of the evaluation of the NCRdays 2003, endorsed by the 5 year evaluation of NCR.

After two days of presentations and workshops, a field trip to various recent projects on improving environment and safety on the river NederRijn
(Fig. 1) was a proper conclusion of the conference. The 46 contributions (oral presentations and posters) to the conference resulted in the 43
papers in this proceedings volume. The papers have been arranged into sections that basically represent the various sessions of the conference. In the review process, we were helped by members of the NCR Programme Committee: Eelco van Beek, Gerard Blom, Ipo Ritsema, Rob Leuven, Jan
Ribberink, Erik Mosselman (replacing Kees Sloff) and Remko Uijlenhoet. They are thanked for their careful work.

We also wish to thank Tine Verheij of the conference agency Routine, Jolien Mans of NCR, the chairmen of the sessions Freek Huthoff, Nadine Slootjes, Saskia van Vuren, Ivo Thonon and Menno Straatsma, the workshop speakers Peter Glas, Almar Otten, Jan Al, Udo Boot and Henk Verkerk, and our keynote speakers Pavel Kabat and Joost de Ruigh. Funding by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) is gratefully acknowledged. During the first five years of its existence, the NCRdays
have proven to be an attractive platform for exchange of ideas and discussion serving the community of developers and users of expertise on rivers. The challenge for the next lustrum will be to maintain the intimate and informal atmosphere with possibly still increasing numbers of participants. Given the positive experience of 2004, we foresee a bright future for the NCRdays and confidently look forward to the 2005 edition that will be organised by NITGTNO.

Bart Makaske, Henk Wolfert & Ad van Os

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Bart Makaske, Ad G. van Os (eds.)



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