NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.

Teaming up with Nature and Nations

NCR Days 2013 Book of Abstracts

The Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR), established on October 8th 1998, is a collaboration between nine Dutch research institutes with the goal to enhance
cooperation in the field of river-related research. The NCR-Days is a yearly conference organised in rotation by the institute members.

The theme of the 2013 edition, held in Delft on October 3-4 and organised by UNESCO-IHE, is “Teaming up with nature and nations”. The major topics of the
conference are “River and stream restoration” (Day 1) and “International river collaboration” (Day 2), introduced by four keynote speakers:

  • Prof. Kondolf (Berkeley University), “River restoration: what went wrong? (and
    how can we fix it?)”
  • Dr. Francine Hughes (Anglia Ruskin University), “Floodplain forest and
    wetland restoration”
  • Dr. Jonathan Nelson (USGS), “The International River Interface Cooperative:
    public domain software for river flow and morphodynamics developed through
    international collaboration”
  • Prof. Pieter van der Zaag (UNESCO-IHE), “How data can support
    transboundary water cooperation”.

The contributions (26 oral presentations and 14 posters) resulted in the 40 extended abstracts in this volume, which can be freely downloaded from the NCR website: The members of the NCR Boards and the participants wish to thank the keynote speakers for their inspiring talks, the chairmen of the sessions Andrés Vargas-Luna,
Clara Orrú, Guglielmo Stecca, Filip Schuurman and Suleyman Naqshband, as well as the support staff Martine Roebroeks-Nahon, Jolien Mans, Marc Weeber, Ewout
Heeringa and Jos Bult. The in-kind contribution of Deltares, providing NCR secretary, website manager and support staff, and the funding of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific
Research (NWO) are gratefully acknowledged.

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A. Crosato (Ed.)



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