NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


Featured Publication

Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



NCR Annual Report 2023

Netherlands Centre for River studies - 22/03/2024
The annual report of NCR details the activities, partners, research projects and state of the network of the past year.

Late-Holocene counterpoint deposition in the Lower Rhine River

Lisa Boterman, Jasper Candel, Bart Makaske, Jakob Wallinga - 13/03/2024

The morphodynamics of multiscale dunes in the Waal River

29/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Abstract

The morphodynamics of multiscale dunes in the Waal River

29/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Samenvatting

Mitigation of Channel Bed Erosion through Floodplain Lowering and Nourishments

29/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow


Mitigation of Channel Bed Erosion through Floodplain Lowering and Nourishments

29/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Abstract

Developing a Model to Study the Climate Change Impact on River Bifurcations in Engineered Rivers

28/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Samenvatting

Exploring the mechanisms that govern the spatial and temporal trends of suspended sediment in the Rhine basin

28/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Abstract

A Field Study on Groyne Field Nourishments

28/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Samenvatting

Asymmetric mixing as a driver of residual sediment transport in an estuarine channel

28/02/2024 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Abstract