NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Formulating wave overtopping at vertical and sloping structures with shallow foreshores using deep-water wave characteristicsn

Lashley, C. H., Van der Meer, J., Bricker, J. D., Altomare, C., Suzuki, T., and Hirayama, K. - 31/08/2021 - All-Risk
Nauwkeurige schattingen van golfhoogte en periode bij de constructieteen blijken vaak moeilijk en vereisen het gebruik van fysieke modellering of numerieke golfmodellen met hoge resolutie. Hier volgen we de methode van Goda om een nauwkeurige voorspelling vast te stellen door de vooroeverhelling en de relatieve waterdiepte bij de constructieteen direct op te nemen.


Flood risk reduction by parallel flood defences

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 01/08/2021 - All-Risk
Dubbele dijken moeten worden beoordeeld aan de hand van de overgedragen belastingen van parallelle keringen in plaats van het bezwijken van individuele keringen. De casus van deze parallelle verdediging bestaat uit een lage dijk landwaarts van een hoge dijk aan de kust die, hoewel ontworpen met multifunctionele bestemming via een duiker, heeft een verwaarloosbare verbetering van de bescherming tegen overstromingen.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Flood risk reduction by parallel flood defences

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 01/08/2021 - All-Risk
Double dikes should be assessed using the transmitted loads of parallel defences rather than the failure of individual defences. The case study of this parallel defence consists of a low dike landward of a tall dike at the coast that, although designed with multi-functional purpose via a culvert, has a negligible improvement in flood protection.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Lithological Control on Scour Hole Formation in the Rhine-Meuse Estuary Geomorphology

YmkjeHuismans, Hilde Koopmans, AneWiersma, Tjalling de Haas, Koen Berends, Kees Sloff, Esther Stouthamer - 16/07/2021

Multidecadal Analysis of an Engineered River System Reveals Challenges for Model-Based Design of Human Interventions

Berends KD, Gensen MRA, Warmink JJ, Hulscher SJMH - 14/07/2021 - RiverCare
Models predict water level decrease, but measurements are too uncertain for now. This reveals a challenge for validation model predictions of human intervention

Subsite Publication Publication open access

Assessing Habitat suitability for native and alien freshwater mussels in the River Waal (the Netherlands), using hydroacoustics and species sensitivity distributions

Flores, N.Y., F.P.L. Collas, K. Mehler, M.M. Schoor, C.K. Feld & R.S.E.W. Leuven - 09/07/2021
Environmental Modeling and Assessment

Anthropogenic Effects on the Contemporary Sediment Budget of the Lower Rhine‐Meuse Delta Channel Network

01/07/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
In this research, we construct sediment budgets which quantify annual changes for the urbanized Rhine‐Meuse Delta of the Netherlands, a typical urban delta experiences changing fluvial and coastal fluxes of sediment, engineering works and dredging and dumping activities. The delta shows a negative sediment budget (more outgoing than incoming sediment) since the 1980s, due to anthropogenic intervention.

Subsite Publication

Antropogene effecten op de hedendaagse sedimentbegroting van het kanaalnetwerk van de Nederrijn-Maasdelta

01/07/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
In this research, we construct sediment budgets which quantify annual changes for the urbanized Rhine‐Meuse Delta of the Netherlands, a typical urban delta experiences changing fluvial and coastal fluxes of sediment, engineering works and dredging and dumping activities. The delta shows a negative sediment budget (more outgoing than incoming sediment) since the 1980s, due to anthropogenic intervention.

Subsite Publicatie

Gravitational Circulation as Driver of Upstream Migration of Estuarine Sand Dunes

W.M. van der Sande, P.C. Roos, T. Gerkema, S.J.M.H. Hulscher - 30/06/2021 - SALTISolutions

Subsite estuarine sand dunes gravitational circulation linear stability analysis migration direction morphodynamic modeling

Anthropogenic Effects on the Contemporary Sediment Budget of the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta Channel Network

J. R. Cox, Y. Huismans, S. M. Knaake, J. R. F. W. Leuven, N. E. Vellinga, M. van der Vegt, A. J. F. Hoitink, M. G. Kleinhans - 30/06/2021 - Rivers2Morrow