NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsRiver Response to Anthropogenic Modification: Channel Steepening and Gravel Front Fading in an Incising River
C. Ylla Arbós , A. Blom , E. Viparelli , M. Reneerkens , R. M. Frings, and R. M. J. Schielen, - 23/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
Rapidly migrating secondary bedforms can persist on the lee of slowly migrating primary river dunes
J.Y. Zomer S. Naqshband B. Vermeulen A.J.F Hoitink - 11/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
The evolution of primary dunes during low flows on the Waal river
11/02/2021 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Abstract
Scenarios for Controls of River Response to Climate Change in the Lower Rhine River
11/02/2021 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Abstract
Nieuwsbrief rivierkundig onderzoek - januari 2021
Matthijs Boersema, Anke Becker - 11/02/2021 - KPP River research
Compensating human interventions at a river bifurcation
Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 11/02/2021 - All-RiskSubsite Conference proceedings
Compensating human interventions at a river bifurcation
Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 11/02/2021 - All-RiskSubsite Conference proceedings
Efficient long-term one-dimensional morphodynamic modelling in alluvial rivers using simplified models – theory and validation
11/02/2021 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Abstract
Flow Structure at the Pannerdense Kop Bifurcation
11/02/2021 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Abstract
Stormingskenmerken bij de "Pannerdense Kop"-splitsing
11/02/2021 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Samenvatting