NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Improving dike reliability estimates by incorporating construction survival

van der Krogt, M. G., Schweckendiek, T., & Kok, M. - 01/01/2021 - All-Risk
The approach is exemplified for a range of typical dikes and for a case study of a full-scale test embankment. The main result is that the reliability can increase significantly, especially for dikes on soft soil blankets.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Improving dike reliability estimates by incorporating construction survival

van der Krogt, M. G., Schweckendiek, T., & Kok, M. - 01/01/2021 - All-Risk
The approach is exemplified for a range of typical dikes and for a case study of a full-scale test embankment. The main result is that the reliability can increase significantly, especially for dikes on soft soil blankets.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Value of information (VoI) of combinations of proof loading and pore pressure monitoring for flood defences

van der Krogt, M. G., Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., Schweckendiek, T., & Kok, M. - 18/12/2020 - All-Risk
We calculate the expected value of extra information obtained from proof loading and monitoring. The additional information improves failure probability estimates for slope stability.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Value of information (VoI) of combinations of proof loading and pore pressure monitoring for flood defences

van der Krogt, M. G., Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., Schweckendiek, T., & Kok, M. - 18/12/2020 - All-Risk
We berekenen wat de verwachte waarde is van extra informatie verkregen door proefbelasten en monitoren. Deze extra informatie leidt tot meer inzicht en verbeterde faalkansschattingen voor macrostabiliteit.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Temporal Development of Backward Erosion Piping in a Large-Scale Experiment

Pol, J. C., Kanning, W., & Jonkman, S. N. - 04/12/2020 - All-Risk
Monitoren van de ontwikkeling van piping in een proefdijk op grote schaal, voor een betere inschatting van de tijd tot fallen en het valideren van pipingmodellen.

Subsite Publication upon journal access

Rivierbodemdynamiek meenemen in het ontwerp van maatregelen

A.J. Paalberg, Robert Pepijn van Denderen, Ralph Mathias Johannes Schielen, Dionysius C.M. Augustijn - 01/10/2020 - RiverCare
In the Dutch Waal river, the bed topography of the navigational channel is measured bi-weekly. In a so-called TKI-project (cooperation between Rijkswaterstaat, HKV and Twente University) we use this data to link morphological changes to specific interventions in the river. This is not a straightforward as it may seem, because the morphological changes are the sum of small scale changes due to e.g. the presence of groynes, medium scale changes coming from the intervention and large scale changes coming from engineering measures in the (far) past to which the profile is still adjusting. A so-called wavelet analysis can be used to disentangle these different scales and enables us to focus only on the morphological changes due to the intervention. This improves river operations and maintenance and in the future also to facilitate the planning of new measures to minimize morphological impact.

Subsite Publication open access

A Bayesian hindcasting method of levee failures: The Breitenhagen case

Kool, J.J., Kanning, W., Jommi, C., Jonkman S.N. - 03/09/2020 - All-Risk
Het terugrekenen van dijkfalen om zo de meest waarschijnlijke oorzaak te achterhalen op basis van beperkt informatie.

Subsite Publication open access journal

A Bayesian hindcasting method of levee failures: The Breitenhagen case

Kool, J.J., Kanning, W., Jommi, C., Jonkman S.N. - 03/09/2020 - All-Risk
Hindcasting of prior and posterior probabilities of failure using limited observations and photos of the geometry of the slope, with the goal of finding the most likely cause of failure.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Benchmarking of numerical models for wave overtopping at dikes with shallow mildly sloping foreshores

Lashley, C. H., Zanuttigh, B., Bricker, J. D., van der Meer, J., Altomare, C., Suzuki, T., Roeber, V., and Oosterlo, P. - 01/08/2020 - All-Risk
De analyse laat zien dat zwaartekrachtgolven snel afnemen over de wal, terwijl infrazwaartekrachtgolven (IG) worden versterkt. Deze bevindingen tonen aan dat de bijdrage van IG-golven aan de overspoeling van duinen langs de baai aanzienlijk is en benadrukken de noodzaak voor elke methode of elk model om IG-golven te overwegen wanneer ze in vergelijkbare omgevingen worden toegepast.


Benchmarking of numerical models for wave overtopping at dikes with shallow mildly sloping foreshores

Lashley, C. H., Zanuttigh, B., Bricker, J. D., van der Meer, J., Altomare, C., Suzuki, T., Roeber, V., and Oosterlo, P. - 01/08/2020 - All-Risk
Overtopping is an order of magnitude lower when infragravity waves are neglected. Using more computationally-demanding models does not guarantee improved accuracy. Despite well-modelled infragravity waves, XBeach Surfbeat underestimates overtopping. With empirical corrections, phase-averaged models like SWAN can account for infragravity waves.

Subsite Publication upon journal access