NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Modelling the wave overtopping flow over the crest and the landward slope of grass-covered flood defences

van Bergeijk, V.M.; Warmink, J.J.; Hulscher, S.J.M.H. - 02/07/2020 - All-Risk
Een nieuw gedetailleerd model om de belasting van overslaande golven op de dijk bekleding te berekenen en inzichten te verkrijgen in hoe de belasting veranderd langs het profiel.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Modelling the wave overtopping flow over the crest and the landward slope of grass-covered flood defences

van Bergeijk, V.M.; Warmink, J.J.; Hulscher, S.J.M.H. - 02/07/2020 - All-Risk
A new detailed model that is able to calculate the load of the overtopping waves on the grass cover and provides insights in how the load changes along the profile.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Using data analysis, expert elicitation and hydraulic models to quantify uncertainties in a bifurcating river

Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 01/07/2020 - All-Risk

Subsite Conference proceedings

Using data analysis, expert elicitation and hydraulic models to quantify uncertainties in a bifurcating river

Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 01/07/2020 - All-Risk
The uncertainties of these three methods must be taken into account in the assessment of flood risks.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Experimental Study on the Influence of Berms and Roughness on Wave Overtopping at Rock-Armoured Dikes

Chen, W., Marconi, A., van Gent, M.R.A., Warmink, J.J., Hulscher, S.J.M.H. - 14/06/2020 - All-Risk
Empirical equations are derived based on the analysis of ex-perimental data from new physical model tests. The influence of roughness of the rock armour applied on parts of water-side slopes is estimated by introducing the location weighting coefficients.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Relative Magnitude of Infragravity Waves at Coastal Dikes with Shallow Foreshores: A Prediction Tool

Lashley, C. H., Bricker, J. D., Van der Meer, J., Altomare, C., and Suzuki, T. - 11/06/2020 - All-Risk
Here, we combine physical and numerical modeling to: (1) assess the influence of various offshore, foreshore, and dike slope conditions on the dominance of infragravity waves (IG) waves over those at sea and swell (SS) frequencies; and (2) develop a predictive model that allows practitioners to quickly estimate the relative magnitude of IG.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Relative Magnitude of Infragravity Waves at Coastal Dikes with Shallow Foreshores: A Prediction Tool

Lashley, C. H., Bricker, J. D., Van der Meer, J., Altomare, C., and Suzuki, T. - 11/06/2020 - All-Risk
Hier combineren we fysieke en numerieke modellering om: (1) de invloed van verschillende offshore-, vooroever- en dijkhellingcondities over de dominantie van infragravitatiegolven (IG) golven over die op zee en deining (SS) frequenties; en (2) een voorspellend model ontwikkelen waarmee beoefenaars snel de relatieve omvang van IG kunnen schatten.


A sustainable adaptation scheme for a wide green dike

Marijnissen, R., Esselink, P., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., van Loon-Steensma, J.M. - 02/06/2020 - All-Risk
Feasibility of extracting salt marsh sediment for dike reinforcement as a climate adaptation strategy in several sea-level rise scenarios.

Subsite Publication open access journal

A sustainable adaptation scheme for a wide green dike

Marijnissen, R., Esselink, P., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., van Loon-Steensma, J.M. - 02/06/2020 - All-Risk
Haalbaarheid van kleiwinning uit de kwelder voor dijkversterkingen in verschillenden zeespiegelstijgingsscenario’s.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Kroniek aansprakelijkheid en schadevergoeding in het waterbeheer

W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld, H.K. Gilissen, F.A.G. Groothuijse, J. Kevelam & H.F.M.W. van Rijswick - 24/03/2020 - All-Risk
Schadeclaims en het waterbeheer zijn dus onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Zowel aansprakelijkheid en schadevergoeding als gevolg van onrechtmatige als rechtmatige daad komt aan bod. Ook zullen wij per deelonderwerp aangeven welke veranderingen de Omgevingswet, waarvan de inwerkingtreding nog steeds is voorzien op 1 januari 2021, met zich zal brengen.

Subsite Publication open access journal