NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Kroniek aansprakelijkheid en schadevergoeding in het waterbeheer

W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld, H.K. Gilissen, F.A.G. Groothuijse, J. Kevelam & H.F.M.W. van Rijswick - 24/03/2020 - All-Risk
Schadeclaims en het waterbeheer zijn dus onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Zowel aansprakelijkheid en schadevergoeding als gevolg van onrechtmatige als rechtmatige daad komt aan bod. Ook zullen wij per deelonderwerp aangeven welke veranderingen de Omgevingswet, waarvan de inwerkingtreding nog steeds is voorzien op 1 januari 2021, met zich zal brengen.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Managing changing rivers

Boersema, M., Schielen, R.M.J., van Eijsbergen, E., Rinsema, J.G. (Eds.) - 14/02/2020
NCR Days 2020 Book of Abstracts

Superimposed bedforms in the Rhine-Meuse delta

13/02/2020 - Rivers2Morrow
This research aims to elucidate the role of superimposed bedforms in rivers and to determine whether superimposed bedforms contribute to the transport of bed sediment and how they interact with primary dunes.

Subsite Abstract

Towards a model for river dune dynamics under high and low discharges

13/02/2020 - Rivers2Morrow
The interplay of bedform dynamics, especially river dunes, and extreme flow conditions results in multiple challenges in river management. Decreasing this uncertainty results in more certain flood levels and therefore increases water safety.

Subsite Abstract

The initial morphological impact of the longitudinal dams

van Denderen, R. P., Kater, E., Jans, L. H., & Schielen, R. M. J. - 13/02/2020 - RiverCare
Human interventions can result in changes in the equilibrium profile of rivers. It is difficult to identify the bed level changes that result from river interventions due to the various causes of bed level changes. Using wavelet filtering, we are able to isolate the effect of river interventions based on the length scale over which they occur. The method presented here can aid in verifying model results. In addition, it can be used to estimate bed level changes that occur over various spatial scales.

Subsite Publication open access

Disentangling spatial scales of morphological development

A. Paarlberg, F. Huthoff, H. Barneveld, P. van Denderen, D. Augustijn, R. Koster, R.M.J. Schielen - 13/02/2020 - RiverCare
The river bed continuously changes on various spatial and temporal scales. Migrating river dunes are an example of local and relatively fast change. At the same time, engineering measures from the last decades cause the river bed to degrade to the present date. To be able to predict the development of the river bed, it is important to distinguish between and disentangle the various spatial and temporal scales.

Subsite Publication open access

The sensitivity of a dike-marsh system to sea-level rise

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 10/01/2020 - All-Risk
Model-based exploration of the future need for dike heightening due to: (1) sea-level rise, (2) changes in sediment concentration, (3) a retreat, and (4) compaction of the salt marsh.

Subsite Publication open access journal

The sensitivity of a dike-marsh system to sea-level rise

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 10/01/2020 - All-Risk
Een modelstudie naar de benodigde dijkversterking door: (1) zeespiegelstijging, (2) verandering in sedimenttoevoer aan de kust, (3) een verlies aan kwelder, en (4) consolidatie van de kweldergrond.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Influence of monitoring on investment planning of flood defence systems

Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., van Veen, N.-J., & Kok, M. - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Verkenning van de waarde van monitoring in de context van een optimale versterkingsstrategie op dijktrajectniveau.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Progression rate of backward erosion piping in laboratory experiments and reliability analysis

Pol, J. C., van Beek, V., Kanning, W., & Jonkman, S. N. - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Statistical analysis of pipe growth rates in existing lab tests, and a study of the potential of including time-dependent pipe growth in fail-ure probability analysis of dikes.

Subsite Conference proceedings