NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



The architecture of collaborative governance regimes in Dutch flood risk management: The Grebbedijk case

Emma Avoyan and Sander Meijerink - 06/11/2019 - All-Risk
Op basis van een uitgebreide analyse van documenten, waarnemingen tijdens projectvergaderingen en een reeks diepgaande interviews, hebben wij de algemene prestaties van de regeling voor gezamenlijk bestuur beoordeeld.

Subsite Conference proceedings

The architecture of collaborative governance regimes in Dutch flood risk management: The Grebbedijk case

Emma Avoyan and Sander Meijerink - 06/11/2019 - All-Risk
Supported by an extensive document analysis, observations made during project meetings as well as a series of in depth interviews, we assessed the overall performance of the collaborative governance regime.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Bed level change in the upper Rhine Delta since 1926 and rough extrapolation to 2050

01/11/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
This study constitutes a first step into predicting the long term morphodynamic response of the Upper Rhine- Delta to climate change. The aim is to get deeper insight into past bed level trends and explore options for data-based extrapolation.

Subsite Other

A characterization of side channel development

Van Denderen, R.P., R. Schielen, M. Straatsma, M. Kleinhans, S. Hulscher - 01/11/2019 - RiverCare
Side channel generally aggrade. The rate at this occurs depends on the design of the side channel. We propose three categeories of side channels which can be used to estimate the time scale of side channel development

Subsite Publication open access

Impact of the Eemdijk full-scale test programme

Breedeveld, J., Zwanenburg, C., Van, M., & Lengkeek, A. - 01/09/2019 - All-Risk
This paper describes the rationale behind the test setup and operation of the test programme in relation to the current design codes and guidelines. First the set of knowledge questions to be resolved is considered. These questions gave direction to the type of failure tests, the required instrumentation and the impact of conclusions.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Eemdijk full-scale field test programme: sheet pile pullover tests

Lengkeek, A., Naves, T., Post, M., & Breedeveld, J. - 01/09/2019 - All-Risk
The full-scale pullover tests consisted of 4 sheet pile configurations to gain more insight in the soil-structure interaction and the structural behavior of sheet piles beyond maximum bending capacity.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Eemdijk full-scale field test programme: ground dike and sheet pile dike failure test

Lengkeek, A., Post, M., Breedeveld, J., & Naves, T. - 01/09/2019 - All-Risk
Two similar test dikes were constructed at full scale (5m high, 25m wide, 60m long) to gain better understanding of the failure mechanism and deformations for both dikes, one of which served as a reference for the dike that had an 18m long sheet pile wall was installed.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Value of Information of monitoring in the management of flood defences

Klerk, W. J., Schweckendiek, T., den Heijer, F., & Kok, M. - 30/08/2019 - All-Risk
Analyse van de waarde van informatie uit waterspanningsmeters voor verschillende asset management strategieën bestaand uit combinaties van monitoring en dijkversterking. Gericht op de effecten op lange termijn.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Value of Information of monitoring in the management of flood defences

Klerk, W. J., Schweckendiek, T., den Heijer, F., & Kok, M. - 30/08/2019 - All-Risk
Analysis of the Value of Information for different monitoring strategies combined with dike reinforcements to identify the conditions under which monitoring pore pressure is most beneficial for long-term asset management.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Commentary: Dike Relocation from an Environmental Policy Perspective

van Staveren M.F. In: Hartmann T., Slavíková L., McCarthy S. (eds) - 23/08/2019 - All-Risk
Het Elbe-Brandenburg bioreservaat is een gebied waar dijkverlegging veel toegepast is als een nature-based maatregelen. In dit commentaarstuk wordt het belang van het betrekken van lokale stakeholder onderstreept, door middel van door de overheid gefinancierde participatieprojecten.

Subsite Publication open access journal