NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsCommentary: Dike Relocation from an Environmental Policy Perspective
van Staveren M.F. In: Hartmann T., Slavíková L., McCarthy S. (eds) - 23/08/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication open access journal
Reliability-based partial factors for flood defences
Jongejan, R.B., Diermanse, F., Kanning, W., Bottema, M. - 20/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication upon journal access
Reliability-based partial factors for flood defences
Jongejan, R.B., Diermanse, F., Kanning, W., Bottema, M. - 20/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication upon journal access
Multitemporal Classification of River Floodplain Vegetation Using Time Series of UAV Images
van Iersel, W.K; Straatsma, M.W.; Middelkoop, H.; Addink, E. - 19/07/2019 - RiverCareSubsite Dataset upon request Publication open access
Contribution of Infragravity Waves to Run-up and Overwash in the Pertuis Breton Embayment (France)
Lashley, C. H., Bertin, X., Roelvink, D., and Arnaud, G. - 02/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication upon journal access
Contribution of Infragravity Waves to Run-up and Overwash in the Pertuis Breton Embayment (France)
Lashley, C. H., Bertin, X., Roelvink, D., and Arnaud, G. - 02/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite
An analytical model of wave overtopping flow velocities on dike crests and landward slopes
van Bergeijk, V. M., Warmink, J. J., van Gent, M. R. A., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 01/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication upon journal access
An analytical model of wave overtopping flow velocities on dike crests and landward slopes
van Bergeijk, V. M., Warmink, J. J., van Gent, M. R. A., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 01/07/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Publication upon journal access
Towards efficient uncertainty quantification with high-resolution morphodynamic models
Berends, K.D., Scheel, F., Warmink, J.J., de Boer, W.P., Ranasinghe, R., Hulscher, S.J.M.H. - 30/06/2019 - RiverCareSubsite Model or tool access Publication
Integrating sense of place in planning and management of multifunctional river landscapes: experiences from five European case studies
Verbrugge, L.N.H., M. Buchecker, X. Garcia, S. Gottwald, S. Müller, S. Præstholm and A. Stahl Olafsson - 06/06/2019 - RiverCareSubsite Publication Publication open access