NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



The Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Estuary Morphology in Dredged and Undredged Systems

06/06/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
We study the effect of SLR on natural versus dredged channels using scale experiments of river mouths to determine how SLR will affect dredging practice and the effects it will have on the channels (will they erode?) and surrounding areas (will they drown?).

Subsite Other

De effecten van zeespiegelstijging op de riviermondingmorfologie in gebaggerde en ongebaggerde systemen

06/06/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
Wij bestuderen het effect van SLR op natuurlijke versus gebaggerde kanalen aan de hand van schaalexperimenten van riviermondingen om na te gaan hoe SLR de baggerpraktijk zal beïnvloeden en welke effecten dit zal hebben op de kanalen (zullen ze eroderen?) en de omliggende gebieden (zullen ze verdrinken?).


River Dune Dynamics During Low Flows

L. R. Lokin, J. J. Warmink, A. Bomers, S. J. M. H. Hulscher - 14/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Publication

River Dune Dynamics During Low Flows

L. R. Lokin, J. J. Warmink, A. Bomers, S. J. M. H. Hulscher - 14/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Publicatie

Historic narrowing and deepening of the Rhine-Meuse estuary causes long term sediment deprivation

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
In this research, we trace this history of human influence on the channels and morphology of the RMD including embanking, land reclamation, dredg- ing and major engineering constructions which have created an urban delta.

Subsite Abstract

Trends in suspended sediment fluxes across the Rhine river basin (1997-2014)

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
In this study, we aim to quantify the temporal and downstream changes in annual loads of suspended sediments in the Rhine river basin during the past decades to identify major sources and sinks of sediment.

Subsite Abstract

Modelling strategies for low flow dune behaviour

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
A dune development model that may be used for predicting dunes must be able to simulate dune behaviour for both high and low flows well.

Subsite Abstract

Trends in de fluxen van zwevend sediment in het stroomgebied van de Rijn (1997-2014)

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
In this study, we aim to quantify the temporal and downstream changes in annual loads of suspended sediments in the Rhine river basin during the past decades to identify major sources and sinks of sediment.

Subsite Samenvatting

Massive morphological changes during the 2021 summer flood in the River Meuse

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
The objective of the study was to improve understanding of the morphological processes during extreme floods, by focusing on the Common Meuse. Here, the riverbed surface is composed of gravel and the longitudinal bed slope is five times steeper than the downstream canalized river.

Subsite Abstract

Mid-Century Channel Response to Climate Change in the Lower Rhine River

13/04/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
The goal of this study is to assess how channel response to climate- related changes in the river controls compares to channel response due to (future) human intervention, focusing on changes in channel bed elevation, bed slope, and bed surface grain size over the next century.

Subsite Abstract