NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Afvoercapaciteit Niederrhein: invloed van rivierverruiming op de rivierafvoer bij Lobith

27/02/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
Het doel van dit onderzoeksproject is het verkrijgen van inzicht in de effecten van rivierverruiming in Nederland op de afvoer van de Rijn bij Lobith, door interactie tussen de waterstandsdaling en overstromingen langs de Duitse Niederrhein mee te nemen. Het in kaart brengen van deze interactie draagt bij aan systeemkennis, waardoor effecten van maatregelen nabij de grens op waterveiligheid beter in beeld kunnen worden gebracht.


Can floodplain excavation help to mitigate bed erosion?

31/01/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
At this moment, bed erosion is one of the most serious problems that Rijkswaterstaat encounters. Besides its negative impact on navigability, it has also severe consequences for biodiversity and ecosystems in the floodplains due to lower ground water levels, it endangers the stability of sluices and bridges, cables and pipelines might get exposed, it interrupts the intake from fresh water during low flows and finally, the entrance to harbours (which is often provided by sills) becomes more difficult.

Subsite Abstract

Response of the upper Rhine-Meuse delta to climate change and sea-level rise

31/01/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
The Rhine River is the most important inland waterway in Europe, with over 300 million tons of cargo transported annually over its waters (Blom, 2016). The river also serves as a water supply for households, industry and agriculture, evacuates wastewater and is part of several nature conservation areas (Frings et al., 2014). Additionally, its waters create a main ecological corridor and host several hydropower plants (Middelkoop et al., 2001). The proper fulfilment of these functions can be hindered due to human intervention and climate change, which both impact the river morphodynamics.

Subsite Abstract

Long-term development of lowland rivers Rivers2Morrow - a research program

31/01/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
To develop deeper insight in the long-term development of the Dutch river systems, and provide new information for adaptive strategies, the Ministry has started in 2017 a research program called Rivers2Morrow. This program will have a duration of six years and will be part of the larger NKWK program, which addresses fourteen themes related to climate adaption issues.

Subsite General Information Rivers2Morrow

Effects of climate change on the Dutch Rhine branches

01/01/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
The Dutch are concerned with the consequences of accelerated sea level rise for the coastal protection system. Astrid Blom reminds us that climate change will not only affect the coast but also the rivers. PhD candidate Claudia Ylla Arbos will study these implications in further detail in the research program Rivers2Morrow of the National Research and Innovation Programme on Water and Climate (NKWK), funded by Rijkswaterstaat and DGWB.

Subsite Other

De effecten van klimaatverandering op de Nederlandse rijntakken

01/01/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
The Dutch are concerned with the consequences of accelerated sea level rise for the coastal protection system. Astrid Blom reminds us that climate change will not only affect the coast but also the rivers. PhD candidate Claudia Ylla Arbos will study these implications in further detail in the research program Rivers2Morrow of the National Research and Innovation Programme on Water and Climate (NKWK), funded by Rijkswaterstaat and DGWB.


Pilot NKWK

01/11/2017 - Rivers2Morrow
In this document, the pilot for a river research programme is discussed. This pilot was the base for Rivers2Morrow.

Subsite General Information Rivers2Morrow Other

Poster "Residual Sediment Transport in a Stratified Estuary"

- Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Poster

Poster (Engels) "Introduction Trends in Suspended Sediment Fluxes across the Rhine River Basin (1958-2016)"

- Rivers2Morrow


Report Synthesis Rivers2Morrow

- Rivers2Morrow
In this synthesis report, more information can be found regarding the Rivers2Morrow Program and it's projects.

Subsite General Information Rivers2Morrow