NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Centennial Channel Response to Climate Change in an Engineered River

12/04/2023 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Publicatie

Saved or starved? The importance of sediment management in determining the future response of estuaries and deltas.

09/03/2023 - Rivers2Morrow
The thesis of Jana Cox, discussing the importance of sediment management in determining the future response of estuaries and deltas.

Subsite Thesis

Can Linear Stability Analyses Predict the Development of Riverbed Waves With Lengths Much Larger Than the Water Depth?

03/03/2023 - Rivers2Morrow
In this paper we evaluate the use of analytical relations, based on linear stability analyses of the St. Venant-Exner equations, as rapid assessment tool for migration and damping of large riverbed waves. Supported by numerical simulations with a 1-D numerical model (markers in chart below) we prove that for Froude numbers ≤ 0.3 the results from linear stability analysis are valid for predicting the propagation of low riverbed waves. For larger Froude numbers riverbed waves are more diffusive and migrate slower in time than predicted from linear stability analysis.

Subsite Publication

Shorter estuarine dunes and upstream migration due to intratidal variations in stratification

W.M. van der Sande, P.C. Roos, T. Gerkema, S.J.M.H. Hulscher - 01/02/2023 - SALTISolutions

Subsite estuarine dunes morphodynamic modeling Strain-Induced Periodic Stratification (SIPS)

Effecten van zeespiegelstijging op baggeren en riviermondingmorfologie

05/10/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
Aan de hand van schaalexperimenten, empirische relaties en praktijkvoorbeelden van riviermondingen en delta's wereldwijd, stellen wij vast dat baggeren en SLR samen de bochtmigratie versterken, terwijl SLR alleen leidt tot decentralisatie van kanalen en verdrinking van het intergetijdengebied.

Subsite Publicatie

Effects of Sea-Level Rise on Dredging and Dredged Estuary Morphology

05/10/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
Using scale experiments, empirical relations and real world examples from global estuaries and deltas, we identify that dredging and SLR combined enhance bend migration whereas SLR alone leads to decentralizing of channels and drowning of intertidal area.

Subsite Publication

Sediment deficit and morphological change of the Rhine–Meuse river mouth attributed to multi-millennial anthropogenic impacts

15/07/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
In this research, we trace the development of one system, the Rhine–Meuse delta in the Netherlands (RMD) from two natural estuaries (the RME fed by the Rhine river and the HVL fed by the Meuse river) to a densely urbanized delta and the effect human activities have had on its morphology through time.

Subsite Publication

Sedimenttekort en morfologische verandering van de Rijn-Maasmonding toegeschreven aan meerjarige antropogene invloeden

15/07/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
In dit onderzoek traceren we de ontwikkeling van één systeem, de Rijn-Maasdelta in Nederland (RMD) van twee natuurlijke estuaria (de RME gevoed door de Rijn en de HVL gevoed door de Maas) tot een dicht verstedelijkte delta en het effect dat menselijke activiteiten in de loop der tijd hebben gehad op de morfologie ervan.

Subsite Publicatie

Een globale synthese van de doeltreffendheid van sedimentatiebevorderende strategieën voor rivierdelta's en riviermondingen

01/07/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
This synthesis enables intercomparison between SES and helps to further evaluate advantages and drawbacks of each SES. It can also help to guide the design of future strategies in other deltas. Our comparison includes their cost, their (projected) elevation gain, spatial footprints, lifetime, land-use, and required governance arrangements.

Subsite Publicatie

A global synthesis of the effectiveness of sedimentation-enhancing strategies for river deltas and estuaries

01/07/2022 - Rivers2Morrow
This synthesis enables intercomparison between SES and helps to further evaluate advantages and drawbacks of each SES. It can also help to guide the design of future strategies in other deltas. Our comparison includes their cost, their (projected) elevation gain, spatial footprints, lifetime, land-use, and required governance arrangements.

Subsite Publication