NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Implementation of a New Bank Erosion Model in Delft3D

Parsapour-Moghaddam, P., C.D. Rennie, J. Slaney, F. Platzek, H. Shirkhani, E. Jamieson, E. Mosselman & R. Measures - 28/07/2023
J. Hydraulic Engineering, ASCE, Vol.149, No.10

Explaining the Statistical Properties of Salt Intrusion in Estuaries Using a Stochastic Dynamical Modeling Approach

Henk A. Dijkstra, Bouke Biemond, Jiyong Lee, Huib E. de Swart - 13/07/2023 - SALTISolutions

Subsite salt intrusion length San Francisco Bay stochastic modeling

Long-term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods

Wilco C. E. P. Verberk, K. Natan Hoefnagel, Ignacio Peralta-Maraver, Mathieu Floury, Enrico L. Rezende - 06/07/2023
Global Change Biology

Bio-geomorphic alteration through shifting flow regime in a modified monsoonal river system in Korea

Chanjoo Lee, Hun Choi, Donggu Kim, Mijke van Oorschot, Ellis Penning, Gertjan Geerling - 16/06/2023
River Research and Applications

Predicting the response of complex systems for coastal management

Gijs G. Hendrickx, José A.A. Antolínez, Peter M.J. Herman - 01/06/2023 - SALTISolutions

Subsite adaptive sampling building with nature estuary hybrid modelling machine learning risk management

Neural networks for fast fluvial flood predictions: Too good to be true?

Anouk Bomers, Suzanne J. M. H. Hulscher - 17/05/2023
River Research and Applications

Semicentennial Response of a Bifurcation Region in an Engineered River to Peak Flows and Human Interventions

14/04/2023 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Publication

Semicentennial Response of a Bifurcation Region in an Engineered River to Peak Flows and Human Interventions

14/04/2023 - Rivers2Morrow


Towards 2048: the next 25 years of river studies

Verberk, Wilco C.E.P., Collas, Frank P.L., Geerling, Getjan W., Peterstorf, Marie-Charlott (eds.) - 12/04/2023
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2023

Centennial Channel Response to Climate Change in an Engineered River

12/04/2023 - Rivers2Morrow

Subsite Publication