Efficient long-term one-dimensional morphodynamic modelling in alluvial rivers using simplified models – theory and validation
11/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
The scope of this research is to assess how and when model simplifications are possible, without jeopardizing the predictive capacity in terms of sediment transport and riverbed development.
Flow Structure at the Pannerdense Kop Bifurcation
11/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
Flow structure provides useful information regarding these by detailing the threedimensional features of flow. This abstract mainly focuses on some of the observations from the ADCP surveys performed between November 2019 and February 2020 at the Pannerdense Kop
Stormingskenmerken bij de "Pannerdense Kop"-splitsing
11/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
De stromingsstructuur verschaft hierover nuttige informatie door de driedimensionale kenmerken van de stroming te detailleren. Deze samenvatting gaat voornamelijk over enkele waarnemingen van de ADCP-onderzoeken die tussen november 2019 en februari 2020 op de Pannerdense Kop zijn uitgevoerd.
Future sediment budget and distribution for the Rhine-Meuse delta
11/02/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
The Rhine-Meuse delta in the Netherlands has a negative sediment budget, i.e. it annually looses sediment. In this research, we construct a sediment budget for two future scenarios 2050 and 2085 which incorporate both socio-economic change and climate scenarios for the region
Rapidly Migrating Secondary Bedforms Can Persist on the Lee of Slowly Migrating Primary River Dunes
21/01/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
Rapidly Migrating Secondary Bedforms Can Persist on the Lee of Slowly Migrating Primary River Dunes
21/01/2021 - Rivers2Morrow
Superimposed bedforms in the Rhine-Meuse delta
13/02/2020 - Rivers2Morrow
This research aims to elucidate the role of superimposed bedforms in rivers and to determine whether superimposed bedforms contribute to the transport of bed sediment and how they interact with primary dunes.
Towards a model for river dune dynamics under high and low discharges
13/02/2020 - Rivers2Morrow
The interplay of bedform dynamics, especially river dunes, and extreme flow conditions results in multiple challenges in river management. Decreasing this uncertainty results in more certain flood levels and therefore increases water safety.
Bed level change in the upper Rhine Delta since 1926 and rough extrapolation to 2050
01/11/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
This study constitutes a first step into predicting the long term morphodynamic response of the Upper Rhine- Delta to climate change. The aim is to get deeper insight into past bed level trends and explore options for data-based extrapolation.
Ruimte voor levende rivieren: effect grootschalige rivierverruiming op bodemerosie Waal
01/03/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
In dit rapport is gekeken of rivierverruiming een bijdrage kan leveren aan het stoppen of afremmen van de bodemerosie. Met “verkennende berekeningen” is de invloed van (combinaties van) voorgestelde maatregelen op het sedimenttransport en lange termijn bodemontwikkeling van de Waal in kaart gebracht. Ook is gekeken wat naast rivierverruiming nodig is aan suppleties om de bodemerosie op de Waal geheel te kunnen stoppen en in hoeverre door verruiming de benodigde suppletievolumes afnemen.