Found 7 Storylines - Page 1 of 1
Increased flood safety due to time-dependent pipe growth
Dike safety assessments can be optimised when considering the time that the water flowing underneath the dike takes to erode its foundation.

Joost Pol
Delft University of Technology
What makes collaboration a success?
To ensure integrated solutions, responsible actors should turn success factors of dike reinforcement projects into an established practice.

Emma Avoyan
Radboud University
From dike history to reinforcement practice
Collaboration between technical managers and archaeologists can help to simulate the dike interior for dike safety calculations.

Teun van Woerkom
Utrecht University
Cooperating with the river bifurcations
On the possibility of allowing more management freedom around the river bifurcations

Matthijs R.A. Gensen
University of Twente
Proof loading and monitoring to optimize flood defence asset management
We calculate the expected value of extra information obtained from proof loading and monitoring. The additional information improves failure probability estimates for slope stability.

Mark van der Krogt
Delft University of Technology
Dr. Wouter Jan Klerk
New flood safety standards and legal considerations
By looking into the questions of practice, we highlight building blocks that the law offers to improve water safety.

Monica Lanz
Utrecht University

Willemijn van Doorn-Hoekveld
Utrecht University
A wide green perspective on dikes
Modelling the salt marsh and borrow pit helping a hand against the sea-level rise

Richard Marijnissen
Wageningen University
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