First research outputs of Theme A and E are becoming available, some of which we developed with other research projects.
Found 68 Outputs - Page 1 of 7
Improving rating curve accuracy by incorporating water balance closure at river bifurcations

We use field observations of discharges at the Rhine bifurcations to improve the discharge-water level relationships, making them physically more realistic.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Hydrodynamic modelling of wave overtopping over a block-covered flood defence

This new model developed in OpenFOAM simulates the wave forces, such as the pressure and the shear stress, on the entire dike profile from the waterside slope to the landward toe. The model can be used to study different designs and locations of the blocks leading to the safest design of the flood defence.
10/01/2022 by Vera van Bergeijk et al.
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Numerical investigation of the effects of roughness, a berm and oblique waves on wave overtopping processes at dikes

Introducing a roughness factor to existing empirical formulas leads to better estimates of the flow charac-teristics. We found that the flow characteristics are more sensitive to the variation of the berm width than to the berm level. In order to take oblique waves into account, the 2D numerical model is extended into the 3D model domain. The numerical model computa-tions confirm that the reductive influence factor of oblique waves is dependant on the berm width.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Progression Rate of Backward Erosion Piping: Small Scale Experiments

Series of experiments with detailed pipe flow measurements to better understand the piping erosion mechanism.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Conference proceedings
The wave overtopping load on landward slopes of grass-covered flood defences: Deriving practical formulations using a numerical model

Flow separation at the landward crest line occurs for steep slopes resulting in high impact forces by the overtopping wave at the reattachment location and the landward toe. We were able to capture both process accurately and used the model outputs to calculate erosion indices that show when and where erosion of the grass cover is expected.
11/11/2021 by Vera van Bergeijk et al.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Anthropogenic effects on the Contemporary Sediment Budget of the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta Channel Network

The Rhine-Meuse Delta has a negative budget: Its entire network of channels is losing sediment annually. The reason for this negative budget is the high amounts of sand and mud removed for navigation to inland ports and from harbors which are periodically dredged. A strategy is required to deal with channel degradation and find ways to maintain sediment in the system.
10/06/2021 by Bas Knaake et al.
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Geological framework for assessing variability in subsurface piping parameters underneath dikes in the Rhine-Meuse delta, the Netherlands

Downstream fining of D50 top sand values is caused by drops in specific stream power. Sediment inheritance, through reworking of pre-deltaic sands causes local variations in D50 top sand values.
05/12/2021 by Bas Knaake et al.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Geophysical tomography as a tool to estimate the geometry of soil layers: Relevance for the reliability assessment of dikes

A combined approach to estimate the geometry of soil layers is presented. The approach combines local point data, i.e. data obtained from a CPT or a borehole log, and geophysical tomography in a universal cokriging framework.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Global Sensitivity Analysis of Groundwater Related Dike Stability under Extreme Loading Conditions

To improve the understanding of groundwater related dike-stability, we performed a global sensitivity analysis on a comprehensive hydro-stability model. Dike stability is mostly dependent on the dike slope, followed by the type of subsurface material. Interaction between the dike and subsurface material is important too, as it influences both groundwater conditions and dike stability directly.
18/02/2025 by Teun van Woerkom et al.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Initiating and upscaling mussel reef establishment with life cycle informed restoration: Successes and future challenges

Life cycle informed restoration enhances mussel bed formation. However, mussel biomass depends on sediment burial. Larger-scale processes resulted in partial burial of the structures. Therefore, optimisation of the structures is required to overcome technical failure at exposed sites.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
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