NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Assessing habitat suitability for native and alien freshwater mussels in the river Waal (The Netherlands), using hydroacoustics and species sensitivity distributions

Flores N.Y., F.P.L. Collas, K. Mehler, M.M. Schoor, C.K. Feld & R.S.E.W. - 28/01/2022
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 27/1: 187-204

A Rapid Method for Modeling Transient River Response Under Stochastic Controls With Applications to Sea Level Rise and Sediment Nourishment

Liselot Arkesteijn , Astrid Blom, and Robert Jan Labeur - 19/01/2022 - RiverCare
We exploit the distinction between the two temporal scales to model the transient (so time-dependent) phase of channel response, which is the phase wherein the channel approaches its new equilibrium. We show that: (a) besides channel slope, also the bed surface texture cannot keep pace with short-term fluctuations of the controls, and (b) mean transient channel response is determined by the probability distributions of the controls (e.g., flow duration curve rather than flow rate sequence).

Subsite Publication open access

Multidecadal Analysis of an Engineered River System Reveals Challenges for Model-Based Design of Human Interventions

Berends KD, Gensen MRA, Warmink JJ, Hulscher SJMH - 14/07/2021 - RiverCare
Models predict water level decrease, but measurements are too uncertain for now. This reveals a challenge for validation model predictions of human intervention

Subsite Publication Publication open access

Insight into the local bed-level dynamics to assist management of multi-funtional rivers

van Denderen, R. P., Paarlberg, A. J., Augustijn, D. C. M., & Schielen, R. M. J. - 11/02/2021 - RiverCare
River discharge fluctuations cause bed-level variations at various scales, resulting from spatial gradients in the river’s geometry. Insight into these bed-level variations and their relation to discharge fluctuations can help to predict and prevent the formation of local bottlenecks. In this paper, we use bi-weekly bed-level measurements of the river Waal to estimate the bed-level variations related to the river discharge.

Subsite Publication open access

Laying bare systemic river bed changes in the river Rhine

Huthoff, F., van Denderen, P., & Paarlberg, A. - 11/02/2021 - RiverCare
It is important to link cause-and-effect relations between bed response and their dominating triggers. This is particularly important in highly-engineered navigable rivers, where multiple influences from close-by and further away can obscure the dominating causes of local bed level changes, and thereby possibly point in the wrong direction when it comes to sustainable river management practices.

Subsite Publication open access

Rivierbodemdynamiek meenemen in het ontwerp van maatregelen

A.J. Paalberg, Robert Pepijn van Denderen, Ralph Mathias Johannes Schielen, Dionysius C.M. Augustijn - 01/10/2020 - RiverCare
In the Dutch Waal river, the bed topography of the navigational channel is measured bi-weekly. In a so-called TKI-project (cooperation between Rijkswaterstaat, HKV and Twente University) we use this data to link morphological changes to specific interventions in the river. This is not a straightforward as it may seem, because the morphological changes are the sum of small scale changes due to e.g. the presence of groynes, medium scale changes coming from the intervention and large scale changes coming from engineering measures in the (far) past to which the profile is still adjusting. A so-called wavelet analysis can be used to disentangle these different scales and enables us to focus only on the morphological changes due to the intervention. This improves river operations and maintenance and in the future also to facilitate the planning of new measures to minimize morphological impact.

Subsite Publication open access

A Bayesian hindcasting method of levee failures: The Breitenhagen case

Kool, J.J., Kanning, W., Jommi, C., Jonkman S.N. - 03/09/2020 - All-Risk
Het terugrekenen van dijkfalen om zo de meest waarschijnlijke oorzaak te achterhalen op basis van beperkt informatie.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Modelling the wave overtopping flow over the crest and the landward slope of grass-covered flood defences

van Bergeijk, V.M.; Warmink, J.J.; Hulscher, S.J.M.H. - 02/07/2020 - All-Risk
A new detailed model that is able to calculate the load of the overtopping waves on the grass cover and provides insights in how the load changes along the profile.

Subsite Publication open access journal

The initial morphological impact of the longitudinal dams

van Denderen, R. P., Kater, E., Jans, L. H., & Schielen, R. M. J. - 13/02/2020 - RiverCare
Human interventions can result in changes in the equilibrium profile of rivers. It is difficult to identify the bed level changes that result from river interventions due to the various causes of bed level changes. Using wavelet filtering, we are able to isolate the effect of river interventions based on the length scale over which they occur. The method presented here can aid in verifying model results. In addition, it can be used to estimate bed level changes that occur over various spatial scales.

Subsite Publication open access

Disentangling spatial scales of morphological development

A. Paarlberg, F. Huthoff, H. Barneveld, P. van Denderen, D. Augustijn, R. Koster, R.M.J. Schielen - 13/02/2020 - RiverCare
The river bed continuously changes on various spatial and temporal scales. Migrating river dunes are an example of local and relatively fast change. At the same time, engineering measures from the last decades cause the river bed to degrade to the present date. To be able to predict the development of the river bed, it is important to distinguish between and disentangle the various spatial and temporal scales.

Subsite Publication open access