NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Quantifying biomass production for assessing ecosystem services of riverine landscapes

Koopman, K. R., Straatsma, M. W., Augustijn, D. C. M., Breure, A. M., Lenders, H. J. R., Stax, S. J., & Leuven, R. S. E. W. - 01/05/2018 - RiverCare
An approach for quantifying the changes in the biomass growth over the Dutch Rhine tributaries due to the river interventions and floodplain vegetation management between the years 1997 and 2012.


Monitoring height and greenness of non-woody floodplain vegetation with UAV time series

van Iersel, W., Straatsma, M., Addink, E., & Middelkoop, H. - 30/04/2018 - RiverCare
We identified at a plot scale the seasonal changes in the terrain, vegetation height, and greenness in a simple way.

Subsite Dataset upon request Publication open access

Handreiking Voorlanden en Juridische aandachtspunten

H.K. Gilissen, W.J. van Doorn-Hoekveld &. H.F.M.W. van Rijswick - 05/04/2018 - All-Risk
Dit onderzoek draagt bij aan de totstandkoming van een beslisschema om tot de ‘beste beslissing in de gegeven omstandigheden’ te komen.

Subsite Report

Longitudinal training dams mitigate effects of shipping on environmental conditions and fish density in the littoral zones of the river Rhine

F.P.L. Collas, A.D. Buijse, L. van den Heuvel, N. van Kessel, M.M. Schoor, H. Eerden, R.S.E.W. Leuven - 01/04/2018 - RiverCare
The construction of this novel intervention in a highly navigated river like the Waal quickly allowed for ecological restoration while continuing with commercial navigation.

Subsite Dataset upon request

Application of a line laser scanner for bed form tracking in a laboratory flume

de Ruijsscher, T. V., Hoitink, A. J. F., Dinnissen, S., Vermeulen, B., & Hazenberg, P. - 23/03/2018 - RiverCare
A new measurement method for continuous detection of bed forms in movable bed laboratory experiments is presented and tested.

Subsite Dataset access Model or tool access Publication open access

Flood hazard reduction from automatically applied landscaping measures in RiverScape, a Python package coupled to a two-dimensional flow model

Straatsma, M. W., & Kleinhans, M. G. - 01/03/2018 - RiverCare
Seven flood reduction measures along the Waal river were ranked according to the water level reduction and the displaced material for their implementation.

Subsite Model or tool upon request

Explaining artificial side channel dynamics using data analysis and model calculations

van Denderen, R. P., Schielen, R. M. J., Westerhof, S. G., Quartel, S., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 15/02/2018 - RiverCare
We studied in detail the development of a side channel in the river Waal. A more frequently flowing side channel results in lower aggradation or sedimentation.

Subsite Dataset access

Ill-posedness in modeling mixed sediment river morphodynamics

Chavarrias Borras, V., Stecca, G., & Blom, A. - 13/02/2018 - RiverCare
Our aim is to provide modelers of river morphodynamics with the mathematical tools to detect the occurrence of ill-posedness in their results.

Subsite Publication open access

Exploring place attachment and visions of nature, of water-based recreationists: the case of the longitudinal dams

Ganzevoort, W. & van den Born, R.J.G. - 16/01/2018 - RiverCare
Major river interventions can greatly affect stakeholders and their connection to the river landscape. We show how recreationists’ perceptions of nature and landscape influence their expectations about a pilot intervention in the Waal river.

Subsite Dataset access

Morphodynamic assessment of side channel systems using a simple one-dimensional bifurcation model and a comparison with aerial images

Van Denderen, R. P., Schielen, R. M. J., Blom, A., Hulscher, S. J. M. H., & Kleinhans, M. G. - 05/12/2017 - RiverCare
To aid the future design and maintenance, a set of diagrams allow to estimate both the equilibrium state and the time that takes for the bed load of the main channel to aggrade or deposit in the side channel.

Subsite Dataset upon request Storyline for practice