NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsBoundary conditions and dike reliability assessment using the Material Point Method (MPM)
Remmerswaal, G., Hicks, M., & Vardon, P. - 08/01/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Conference proceedings
Boundary conditions and dike reliability assessment using the Material Point Method (MPM)
Remmerswaal, G., Hicks, M., & Vardon, P. - 08/01/2019 - All-RiskSubsite Conference proceedings
Effects of climate change on the Dutch Rhine branches
01/01/2019 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite Other
De effecten van klimaatverandering op de Nederlandse rijntakken
01/01/2019 - Rivers2MorrowSubsite
Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Vegetation Representations in SWAN Hindcasting Wave Dissipation by Coastal Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay
Baron-Hyppolite, C., Lashley, C. H., Garzon, J., Miesse, T., Ferreira, C., and Bricker, J. D. - 24/12/2018 - All-RiskSubsite Publication open access journal
Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Vegetation Representations in SWAN Hindcasting Wave Dissipation by Coastal Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay
Baron-Hyppolite, C., Lashley, C. H., Garzon, J., Miesse, T., Ferreira, C., and Bricker, J. D. - 24/12/2018 - All-RiskSubsite
Residual Biomass: A Silver Bullet to Ensure a Sustainable Bioeconomy?
A. E. Bout, S. F. Pfau, E. van der Krabben & B. Dankbaar - 20/12/2018 - RiverCareSubsite Publication open access
Uncertainty quantification of flood mitigation predictions and implications for decision making
Berends, K. D., Straatsma, M. W., Warmink, J. J., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 14/11/2018 - RiverCareSubsite Dataset access
Predicting effects of ship-induced changes in flow velocity on native and alien molluscs in the littoral zone of lowland rivers
Koopman, R., Collas, F. P. L., Breure, A. M., Lenders, R., van der Velde, G., & Leuven, R. S. E. W. - 12/11/2018 - RiverCareSubsite Publication open access
On evaluating social learning outcomes of serious games to collaboratively address sustainability problems: A Literature Review
R. J. den Haan & M. C. van der Voort - 12/11/2018 - RiverCareSubsite Publication open access