NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Vegetation Representations in SWAN Hindcasting Wave Dissipation by Coastal Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay

Baron-Hyppolite, C., Lashley, C. H., Garzon, J., Miesse, T., Ferreira, C., and Bricker, J. D. - 24/12/2018 - All-Risk
Assessing the accuracy of nearshore numerical models—such as SWAN—is important to ensure their effectiveness in representing physical processes and predicting flood hazards. Results show that treating vegetation simply as enhanced bottom roughness (implicitly) underestimates wave energy dissipation. The explicit vegetation representation, however, shows good agreement with field data.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Comparison of Implicit and Explicit Vegetation Representations in SWAN Hindcasting Wave Dissipation by Coastal Wetlands in Chesapeake Bay

Baron-Hyppolite, C., Lashley, C. H., Garzon, J., Miesse, T., Ferreira, C., and Bricker, J. D. - 24/12/2018 - All-Risk
Het beoordelen van de nauwkeurigheid van nearshore numerieke modellen, zoals SWAN, is belangrijk om hun effectiviteit te garanderen bij het weergeven van fysieke processen en het voorspellen van overstromingsgevaar. De resultaten laten zien dat het behandelen van vegetatie simpelweg als verbeterde bodemruwheid (impliciet) de dissipatie van golfenergie onderschat. De expliciete vegetatieweergave vertoont echter een goede overeenkomst met veldgegevens.


Residual Biomass: A Silver Bullet to Ensure a Sustainable Bioeconomy?

A. E. Bout, S. F. Pfau, E. van der Krabben & B. Dankbaar - 20/12/2018 - RiverCare
Using residual biomass, such as grass and wood chips, as a resource instead of treating it as waste is not automatically more sustainable.

Subsite Publication open access

Uncertainty quantification of flood mitigation predictions and implications for decision making

Berends, K. D., Straatsma, M. W., Warmink, J. J., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 14/11/2018 - RiverCare
For six typical interventions along the river Waal, we show that the choice between interventions can be different when relative uncertainty is taken into account.

Subsite Dataset access

On evaluating social learning outcomes of serious games to collaboratively address sustainability problems: A Literature Review

R. J. den Haan & M. C. van der Voort - 12/11/2018 - RiverCare
This systematic review examines how serious games are evaluated in relation to social learning.

Subsite Publication open access

Predicting effects of ship-induced changes in flow velocity on native and alien molluscs in the littoral zone of lowland rivers

Koopman, R., Collas, F. P. L., Breure, A. M., Lenders, R., van der Velde, G., & Leuven, R. S. E. W. - 12/11/2018 - RiverCare
Shipping increases local flow velocities thereby potentially decreasing species richness of freshwater mussels and snails which in turn affects ecosystem functioning and services.

Subsite Publication open access

Uncertainty in spatial average undrained shear strength with a site-specific transformation model

Van der Krogt, M.G., Schweckendiek, T. and Kok, M. - 11/11/2018 - All-Risk
We estimate the uncertainty of a transformation model to infer geotechnical properties from indirect measurements. When the measurement and transformation errors are random or spatially variable the uncertainty is lower and the inferred properties higher.


Uncertainty in spatial average undrained shear strength with a site-specific transformation model

Van der Krogt, M.G., Schweckendiek, T. and Kok, M. - 11/11/2018 - All-Risk
We estimate the uncertainty of a transformation model to infer geotechnical properties from indirect measurements. When the measurement and transformation errors are random or spatially variable the uncertainty is lower and the inferred properties higher.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Risk based inspection of flood defence dams: An application to grass revetments

Klerk, W. J., Roscoe, K. L., Tijssen, A., Nicolai, R. P., Sap, J., & Schins, F. - 28/10/2018 - All-Risk
Method to derive risk-based inspection intervals using visual inspection data and a combined degradation and failure model.

Subsite Conference proceedings

A framework for assessing information quality in asset management of flood defences

Klerk, W. J., Pot, R., Van Der Hammen, J. M., & Wojciechowska, K. - 28/10/2018 - All-Risk
Methodology for scoring quality and use of available information for decision-making and assessing of the value of additional information.

Subsite Conference proceedings