NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Risk based inspection of flood defence dams: An application to grass revetments

Klerk, W. J., Roscoe, K. L., Tijssen, A., Nicolai, R. P., Sap, J., & Schins, F. - 28/10/2018 - All-Risk
Method to derive risk-based inspection intervals using visual inspection data and a combined degradation and failure model.

Subsite Conference proceedings

A framework for assessing information quality in asset management of flood defences

Klerk, W. J., Pot, R., Van Der Hammen, J. M., & Wojciechowska, K. - 28/10/2018 - All-Risk
Methodology for scoring quality and use of available information for decision-making and assessing of the value of additional information.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Bank erosion processes measured with UAV-SfM along complex banklines of a straight mid-sized river reach

Duró, G., Crosato, A., Kleinhans, M. G., & Uijttewaal, W. S. J. - 25/10/2018 - RiverCare
A fast and simple field technique to capture the topography of riverbanks and compute erosion rates.

Subsite Dataset access Publication open access

Low-hanging fruits in large-scale fluvial landscaping measures: trade-offs between flood hazard, costs, stakeholders and biodiversity

Straatsma, M. W., Fliervoet, J. M., Kabout, J. A. H., Baart, F., and Kleinhans, M. G. - 19/09/2018 - RiverCare
We show that the multidimensional evaluation of river interventions in the Waal river opens up opportunities to discuss possible trade-offs.

Subsite Publication open access

Flow Bifurcation at a Longitudinal Training Dam: Effects on Local Morphology

de Ruijsscher, T., Naqshband, S., & Hoitink, T. - 05/09/2018 - RiverCare
Qualitative comparison of the river bed dynamics in the side channel of the longitudinal dam and the flat bed conditions in the scale model at low water level.

Subsite Publication open access

Late Holocene channel pattern change from laterally stable to meandering – a palaeohydrological reconstruction

Candel, J. H. J., Kleinhans, M. G., Makaske, B., Hoek, W. Z., Quik, C., & Wallinga, J. - 31/08/2018 - RiverCare
We show how the Overijsselse Vecht river changed from a laterally stable to a meandering river ca. 500 years ago and further developed a methodology to reconstruct the historical discharge.

Subsite Dataset access Publication open access

Users’ perspectives about the potential usefulness of online storylines to communicate river research to a multi-disciplinary audience

Cortes Arevalo, V. J., Verbrugge, L. N. H., Haan, R.-J. den, Baart, F., van der Voort, M. C., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 14/08/2018 - RiverCare
This was the first and exploratory step on our initiative of using storylines for science communication. Researchers and practitioners think that stories of science that include facts could be useful!

Subsite Publication open access

Understanding actor perspectives regarding challenges for integrated river basin management

R. J. den Haan, J. M. Fliervoet, M. C. van der Voort, V. J. Cortes Arevalo & S. J. M. H. Hulscher - 09/08/2018 - RiverCare
People use different world views when addressing problems, often resulting in different views on both the problem and its solution. For this paper, we explored management challenges and actor perspectives on these in Dutch integrated river basin management.


CPT based unit weight estimation extended to soft organic soils and peat

Lengkeek, A., de Greef, J., & Joosten, S. - 21/06/2018 - All-Risk
A new correlation is proposed that can be used to estimate the saturated soil unit weight from sands to highly organic soils. Our proposal outperforms other considered correlations. The variation in the estimation is however still considerable and comparable to earlier studies.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Time-dependent reliability in flood protection decision making in the Netherlands

Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., & Kok, M. - 17/06/2018 - All-Risk
Exploration of the failure probability definition and the influence of including temporal correlation on failure probability estimates.

Subsite Conference proceedings