NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Failure probability by wave overtopping over grass-covered and damaged dikes

van Bergeijk, Vera M.; Warmink, Jord J.; Hulscher, Suzanne J.M.H. - 03/03/2021 - All-Risk
We berekenen de faalkans van overslag voor dijken met een goede en beschadigde grasmat en laten zien dat beschadigen aan de grasmat, zoals een konijnen hol of een erosie gat, leiden tot een behoorlijke toename van de faalkans.

Subsite Conference proceedings Publication open access journal

Failure probability by wave overtopping over grass-covered and damaged dikes

van Bergeijk, Vera M.; Warmink, Jord J.; Hulscher, Suzanne J.M.H. - 03/03/2021 - All-Risk
We calculate the failure probability by wave overtopping of grass-covered and damaged dikes and show that damages to the dike cover, such as an animal burrowing or an erosion hole, can increase the failure probability significantly.

Subsite Conference proceedings Publication open access journal

Optimal planning of flood defence system reinforcements using a greedy search algorithm

Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., Kok, M. & Wolfert, R. - 01/03/2021 - All-Risk
We ontwikkelen en valideren een zoekalgoritme wat de optimale combinatie van dijkversterkingsmaatregelen op systeemniveau zeer nauwkeurig benadert. Toepassing op een lopend dijkversterkingsproject leidt tot een kostenreductie van ongeveer 40% in vergelijking tot de gebruikelijke aanpak.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Optimal planning of flood defence system reinforcements using a greedy search algorithm

Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., Kok, M. & Wolfert, R. - 01/03/2021 - All-Risk
We develop and validate greedy search algorithm that can find (near-)optimal combinations of reinforcement measures for dike segments. The approach was applied to an ongoing reinforcement project, and it was found to reduce investment costs by ~40% compared to the conventional approach.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Compensating human interventions at a river bifurcation

Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 11/02/2021 - All-Risk
Impact of river interventions under a range of discharges and roughness conditions to possibly counteract the feedback mechanism between water levels and discharge at a bifurcating river.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Compensating human interventions at a river bifurcation

Gensen, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., Huthoff, F., & Hulscher, S. J. M. H. - 11/02/2021 - All-Risk
Effect van rivierinterventies onder een reeks afvoer- en ruwheidsomstandigheden om mogelijk het terugkoppelingsmechanisme tussen waterpeil en afvoer bij een splitsende rivier tegen te gaan.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Temporal Development of Backward Erosion Piping in a Large-Scale Experiment

Pol, J. C., Kanning, W., & Jonkman, S. N. - 02/02/2021 - All-Risk
Monitoring the development of piping in a test dike on a large scale, for better estimation of time to failure and to validate piping models.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Shields-Darcy piping-model. Verschil-analyse met Sellmeijer en D-GeoFlow

Pol, J. C. - 08/01/2021 - All-Risk
Analysis into the differences between the Sellmeijer rule and the Shields-Darcy for piping, focusing on model assumptions and scale effects.

Subsite Report

Shields-Darcy piping-model. Verschilanalyse met Sellmeijer en D-GeoFlow

Pol, J. C. - 08/01/2021 - All-Risk
Analyse naar de verschillen tussen de Sellmeijer regel en het Shields-Darcy voor piping, met focus op de modelaannames en schaaleffecten.

Subsite Report

Improving dike reliability estimates by incorporating construction survival

van der Krogt, M. G., Schweckendiek, T., & Kok, M. - 01/01/2021 - All-Risk
The approach is exemplified for a range of typical dikes and for a case study of a full-scale test embankment. The main result is that the reliability can increase significantly, especially for dikes on soft soil blankets.

Subsite Publication open access journal