Found 10 Storylines - Page 1 of 2
A social network analysis in maintaining Dutch floodplains
Most frequent connections between the organizations involved in flood protection and biodiversity management with and without the main coordinator.

Jan Fliervoet
Radboud University Nijmegen
Biodiversity recovery and flood risk adaptation at delta scale
We calculated biodiversity scores to show the recovery from 15 years flood risk adaptation that consider nature requirements.

Menno Straatsma
Utrecht University
Ecological benefits of a sheltered channel parallel to the main river
The longitudinal dams minimize the effects of commercial navigation to protect the habitat of fish and macroinvertebrates.

Frank Collas
Radboud University Nijmegen
How do side channels develop?
We assess several side channel systems and propose a method to estimate their development.

Pepijn van Denderen
University of Twente
The fluvial response to flow variations
Insight into the dynamic component can help to manage the river and to design interventions

Pepijn van Denderen
University of Twente
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