The Wide green dike (Brede Groene Dijk) is an pilot reinforcement project for the present dike in the Wadden region along the Dutch Dollard coast. The project is an alternative to heightening and broadening the existing dike with fortified revetment of asphalt and stones to comply with the safety standards. Given the importance of the area for nature, landscape quality and recreation, the Wide dike proposes a thick layer grass and locally extracted clay on the entire gently slope merging smoothly into the adjacent saltmarshes without any drainage ditch. The POVWaddenzee dijken prepared the video below (in Dutch) to explain the Wide green dike concept, visit their website for additional information about the pilot.
Related storylines
A wide green perspective on dikes
Modelling the salt marsh and borrow pit helping a hand against the sea-level rise

Richard Marijnissen
Wageningen University
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Last modified: 04/11/2020