Are you currently involved you in or have knowledge about one the projects of Dutch Flood Protection Program (HWBP in Dutch)? Then, you can support our researchers from the Law, governance and implementation theme in their survey study!

Emma, working on the survey, on a normal day as a PhD candidate that was featured in the Dutch Flood Protection magazine (HWBP in Dutch).
As part of All-risk research program, Emma Avoyan, together with the others researcher from the Law, governance and implementation theme, is conducting a survey study:
- The aim of the study is to gain insights into the organisation, processes and effects of collaboration between different parties involved in dike reinforcement projects.
- More specifically, the survey investigates the links between collaborative processes and certain conditions (for example personal interaction, motivation, knowledge and resources) and the quality of collaborative decisions (e.g. the preferred alternative).
The target group of the survey consists of the project teams, stakeholders (e.g. residents, companies, social organisations) and administrators (e.g. municipalities, provinces, water boards, central government) involved in projects of the Dutch Flood Protection Program, also known in Dutch as HWBP. In short, anyone involved in or interested in these type of dike reinforcement projects can participate in the study! Participation in is entirely voluntary, but your opinion is highly appreciated. It takes approximately 15 minutes to fill in the survey.
Your answers are completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you personally (unless you allow otherwise). Your data will be processed confidentially in accordance with the privacy regulations and data management protocols of Radboud University. The results of the research will be summarised in a public report and a scientific article with findings and (policy) recommendations. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me via
Thank you very much in advance for participating!
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Last modified: 11/11/2020