NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Progression rate of backward erosion piping in laboratory experiments and reliability analysis

Pol, J. C., van Beek, V., Kanning, W., & Jonkman, S. N. - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Statistische analyse van pipegroeisnelheden in bestaande labproeven, en een studie naar de potentie van het meenemen van tijdsafhankelijke pipegroei in faalkansanalyse van dijken.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Bayesian inference of piping model uncertainties based on field observations

Kanning,W and T. Schweckendiek - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Method to estimate model uncertainty based on failure and survival piping observations.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Bayesian inference of piping model uncertainties based on field observations

Kanning,W and T. Schweckendiek - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Methode om piping modelonzekerheden te schatten gebaseerd op veldobservaties.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Influence of monitoring on investment planning of flood defence systems

Klerk, W. J., Kanning, W., van Veen, N.-J., & Kok, M. - 11/12/2019 - All-Risk
Exploring the value of monitoring for the reinforcement of a dike segment.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Experimental study on the influence of berms and roughness on wave overtopping over dikes

Chen, W., Van Gent, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., & Hulscher, S. - 05/12/2019 - All-Risk
Physical model tests results show that there is a large difference between measured influence factors and calculated ones by using the existing equations there-fore new questions are necessary to better estimate wave overtopping.

Subsite Conference proceedings

The influence of a berm and roughness on the wave overtopping at dikes

Chen, W., Van Gent, M. R. A., Warmink, J. J., & Hulscher, S. - 01/12/2019 - All-Risk
New empirical formulae are derived from the analysis of the experimental data from physical model tests. The new formula is derived for the roughness influence factor of combined multiple roughness elements along the bermed slope.

Subsite Publication upon journal access

Forensic analysis of levee failures: The Breitenhagen case

Kool, J.J, Kanning, W., Heyer, T., Jommi, C., Jonkman S.N. - 25/11/2019 - All-Risk
Generic steps to derive most likely failure scenarios from data prior, during and after a levee breach in Germany in 2013.

Subsite Publication upon journal access

Forensic analysis of levee failures: The Breitenhagen case

Kool, J.J, Kanning, W., Heyer, T., Jommi, C., Jonkman S.N. - 25/11/2019 - All-Risk
Generic steps to derive most likely failure scenarios from data prior, during and after a levee breach in Germany in 2013.

Subsite Publication open access journal

An investigation of stress inaccuracies and proposed solution in the material point method (MPM)

González Acosta, J. L., Vardon, P. J., Remmerswaal, G., & Hicks, M. A. - 14/11/2019 - All-Risk
Drie modificaties van MPM zijn geïmplementeerd, die gezamenlijk bijna alle geobserveerde oscillaties uit het model verwijderen.

Subsite Publication open access journal

An investigation of stress inaccuracies and proposed solution in the material point method (MPM)

González Acosta, J. L., Vardon, P. J., Remmerswaal, G., & Hicks, M. A. - 14/11/2019 - All-Risk
Three modifications to MPM are implemented, and together these are able to remove almost all of the observed oscillations in the model.

Subsite Publication open access journal