NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.


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Tomorrow’s Rivers

Niesten et al. - 2024 - Publications
NCR Days Book of Abstracts 2024



Do all dike instabilities cause flooding?

Van der Krogt, M.G., Schweckendiek, T. & Kok, M. - 26/05/2019 - All-Risk
The case example shows that the current practice of assuming that the probability of flooding is equal to the probability of instability is very conservative especially at relatively low water levels.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Do all dike instabilities cause flooding?

Van der Krogt, M.G., Schweckendiek, T. & Kok, M. - 26/05/2019 - All-Risk
The case example shows that the current practice of assuming that the probability of flooding is equal to the probability of instability is very conservative especially at relatively low water levels.

Subsite Conference proceedings

Cross-sector collaboration within Dutch flood risk governance: historical analysis of external triggers

Emma Avoyan & Sander Meijerink - 21/05/2019 - All-Risk
Literature synthesis to track how the policy and legal frameworks, socio-economic circumstances, political realities, power relations and conflict situations influenced the attempts at collaboration since the flooding disaster of 1953.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Cross-sector collaboration within Dutch flood risk governance: historical analysis of external triggers

Emma Avoyan & Sander Meijerink - 21/05/2019 - All-Risk
Literatuursynthese om na te gaan hoe het beleid en de wettelijke kaders, sociaaleconomische omstandigheden, politieke realiteit, machtsverhoudingen en conflictsituaties de pogingen tot samenwerking sinds de watersnoodramp van 1953 beïnvloedden.

Subsite Publication upon journal access

Ill posedness in modelling two-dimensional morphodynamic problems

Chavarrías, V., Schielen, R., Ottevanger, W., Blom, A. - 11/04/2019 - RiverCare
We reveal the existence of two additional mechanisms under which the 2D system of equations does not provide a unique solution.

Subsite Publication open access

Re-evaluating safety risks of multifunctional dikes with a probabilistic risk framework

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 10/04/2019 - All-Risk
An additional step to the basic assessment allows estimating the probability of the presence and absence scenario of nature and housing for the reinforcement of a typical Dutch river dike for flood safety.

Subsite Publication open access journal

Re-evaluating safety risks of multifunctional dikes with a probabilistic risk framework

Marijnissen, R., Kok, M., Kroeze, C., & van Loon-Steensma, J. - 10/04/2019 - All-Risk
Een extra stap binnen het standaard beoordelingskader om de faalkans in te schatten van een rivierdijk met natuur en woningen.

Subsite Publication open access journal

A regularization strategy for modeling mixed-sediment river morphodynamics

Chavarrías, V., Stecca, G., Siviglia, A., Blom, A., 2019. - 05/04/2019 - RiverCare
Approach to improve the prediction capabilities under which the most common model does not provide a unique solution.

Subsite Publication open access

Nieuwsbrief rivierkundig onderzoek - maart 2019

Arjan Sieben, Frans Buschman - 01/03/2019 - KPP River research
Deze nieuwsbrief geeft een overzicht van activiteiten die in 2018 zijn uitgevoerd.

Ruimte voor levende rivieren: effect grootschalige rivierverruiming op bodemerosie Waal

01/03/2019 - Rivers2Morrow
In dit rapport is gekeken of rivierverruiming een bijdrage kan leveren aan het stoppen of afremmen van de bodemerosie. Met “verkennende berekeningen” is de invloed van (combinaties van) voorgestelde maatregelen op het sedimenttransport en lange termijn bodemontwikkeling van de Waal in kaart gebracht. Ook is gekeken wat naast rivierverruiming nodig is aan suppleties om de bodemerosie op de Waal geheel te kunnen stoppen en in hoeverre door verruiming de benodigde suppletievolumes afnemen.
