NCR is the leading cooperative alliance between all major Dutch institutes for river studies. We integrate knowledge, facilitate discussion and promote excellent science.
Tomorrow’s Rivers
Niesten et al. - 2024 - PublicationsTeaming up with Nature and Nations
A. Crosato (Ed.) - 03/10/2013
Dutch River Management in International Perspective
Schielen, R. (ed.) - 04/10/2012
Controlling the Dutch Rivers
E. Mostert, L. Bouaziz (Eds.) - 27/10/2011
NCR Days 2010
E. Stouthamer (Ed.) - 04/11/2010
10 Years NCR
A.G. van Os, C.D. Erdbrink (Eds.) - 20/11/2008
A Sustainable River System?!
A.G. van Os (Ed.) - 15/11/2007
NCR Days 2006
D.C.M. Augustijn, A.G. van Os (Eds.) - 15/11/2006
Research on river dynamics from geological to operational time scales
H.J.T. Weerts, I.L. Ritsema, A.G. van Os - 02/10/2005
Research for managing rivers: present and future issues
Bart Makaske, Ad G. van Os (eds.) - 01/10/2005
Dealing with Floods within Constraints
N. Douben, A.G. van Os (Eds.) - 01/07/2004