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Theme E) Ecosystem services and floodplain rehabilitation

This project aims at developing approaches to:

  1. monitor and map floodplain landscape-ecological classes using remote sensing on different spatial scales,
  2. predict the spatial and temporal dynamics of river-floodplain ecosystems and its services under natural and river intervention efffects, and
  3. assess the effects of floodplain management strategies on ecosystem services delivered by river-floodplain systems.

(Source: Bureau Beeldtaal Filmmakers. RiverCare video).

The approaches developed in this project will be useful in reducing the long-term management costs, creating more self-sustaining rivers with beneficial ecosystem services and designing smart interventions. On the right, a snapshot of a typical river floodplain in which floodplain rehabilitation was carried out via river interventions such as side channels.

Project leader

prof. dr. Rob Leuven

Radboud University Nijmegen

Supervisory team

Prof. dr. Ton Breure

National Institute for Public Health and the Enviroment. Minsty of Health, Welfare and Sport.

dr. ir. Denie Augustijn

University of Twente

dr. Gertjan Geerling

Radboud University Nijmegen

Menno Straatsma

Utrecht University

dr. Elisabeth Addink

Utrecht University

prof. dr. Hans Middelkoop


Last modified: 19/06/2019