First research outputs of Theme A and E are becoming available, some of which we developed with other research projects.
Found 68 Outputs - Page 3 of 7
Progression rate of backward erosion piping in laboratory experiments and reliability analysis

Statistical analysis of pipe growth rates in existing lab tests, and a study of the potential of including time-dependent pipe growth in fail-ure probability analysis of dikes.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Conference proceedings
Numerical modelling of wave overtopping at dikes using OpenFOAM

A 2D numerical model based on OpenFOAM® is set up in this study for predicting wave overtopping at dikes that have complex configurations with berms and roughness elements.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Experimental study on the influence of berms and roughness on wave overtopping over dikes

Physical model tests results show that there is a large difference between measured influence factors and calculated ones by using the existing equations there-fore new questions are necessary to better estimate wave overtopping.
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Experimental Study on the Influence of Berms and Roughness on Wave Overtopping at Rock-Armoured Dikes

Empirical equations are derived based on the analysis of ex-perimental data from new physical model tests. The influence of roughness of the rock armour applied on parts of water-side slopes is estimated by introducing the location weighting coefficients.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?>Contains: Publication open access journal
The influence of a berm and roughness on the wave overtopping at dikes

New empirical formulae are derived from the analysis of the experimental data from physical model tests. The new formula is derived for the roughness influence factor of combined multiple roughness elements along the bermed slope.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication upon journal access
Do all dike instabilities cause flooding?

The case example shows that the current practice of assuming that the probability of flooding is equal to the probability of instability is very conservative especially at relatively low water levels.
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Value of information (VoI) of combinations of proof loading and pore pressure monitoring for flood defences

We calculate the expected value of extra information obtained from proof loading and monitoring. The additional information improves failure probability estimates for slope stability.
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Improving dike reliability estimates by incorporating construction survival

The approach is exemplified for a range of typical dikes and for a case study of a full-scale test embankment. The main result is that the reliability can increase significantly, especially for dikes on soft soil blankets.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Uncertainty in spatial average undrained shear strength with a site-specific transformation model

We estimate the uncertainty of a transformation model to infer geotechnical properties from indirect measurements. When the measurement and transformation errors are random or spatially variable the uncertainty is lower and the inferred properties higher.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View publicationContains: Publication open access journal
Boundary conditions and dike reliability assessment using the Material Point Method (MPM)

By considering the residual dike strength, the computed reliability can increase compared to conventional assessments.
08/01/2019 by Guido Remmerswaal et al.
//=pll_get_post_language(get_the_ID())?> View detailsContains: Conference proceedings
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