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All-Risk newsletters

Posted at 25/06/2020 by Juliette Cortes Arevalo

From now on until March 2022, the All-Risk newsletter will be published approximately every six months. Each newsletter will feature one of the five project themes to introduce you to the researchers and the partners who have so far benefited from All-Risk work.

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Juliette Cortes Arevalo

October 2021


All-Risk is officially coming to an end as of March 2022. For this newsletter issue, we interview international partners to explore possibilities for future research in Houston, USA. We further report on the All-Risk webinar series and make available the first reflections. We also share the next storyline for practice calling to cooperate with the river bifurcations. News includes a vlog featuring the efforts to model waves forces on innovative covers for dikes and a fact-finding study about the 2021 flood in Limburg. Finally, we announce the upcoming NCR lecture, most recent publications, and first PhD defences.

Read the newsletter here!

March 2021


Collaboration between disciplines and across sectors is essential for both dike reinforcement implementation and impact research. We bring some tips to help this collaboration, from representatives of our funding organisation and the Fryslân water regional authority. Next, we update you about our research into the governance and legal aspects of the implementation. We also show how teaming up allowed us to use the results of a big test. Last but not least, we share efforts to make All-Risk outputs closer to project managers and specialists.

Read the newsletter here!

November 2020


Set up as an interdisciplinary endeavor, All-Risk investigates into five themes on how to reinforce the flood defences better. To make our research more accessible to the water professionals in the Netherlands, we are also translating the All-Risk website. Starting with the theme A, with every newsletter, a new theme will become available in Dutch along with their latest progress. With this newsletter, we further invite you to share your experiences in collaborating with the Flood Protection Program (HWBP) projects.

Read the newsletter here!

July 2020


These days everybody is going online and so we did in the All-Risk research program. This first newsletter launches our website with the progress of the last three years, briefly introduces the new safety standards and welcome your input for the last two years of research. The website is first available in English so that our Dutch experience with the implementation becomes also available for interested parties abroad.

Read the newsletter here!

Last modified: 29/10/2021