Innovative components
The origin of streams that flow through peat-filled deposits such the Drentsche Aa in the Netherlands is interesting due to their limited erosion and lateral migration over time. Data collected with various methods was used to map the stream profile back when the peat growth started 12.000 years ago: Data from Makaske et al (2015) about the date and rate of peat development; ground-Penetrating Radar to distinguish sandy channel deposits within the peat and Optically stimulated luminescence dating to determine the deposition period of sand layers.
Findings and implications to practice
We found that the bends in the Drentsche Aa depend on the relative position of the channel to the erodible sandy side or less erodible peaty side. The figure below shows the schematic representation what we called in our publication “oblique aggradation”. Similar studies should be carried out in The Netherlands and around the world to verify the range of stream valley slopes and peat growth rate in which this aggradation type can occur.
Related Content
- Candel, J. H. J., Makaske, B., Storms, J. E. A., & Wallinga, J. (2017). Oblique aggradation: a novel explanation for sinuosity of low-energy streams in peat-filled valley systems. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(15), 2679–2696.
- Here is available the full list of related conference abstracts related to this project.
(Under) Graduate thesis
- Moedt, E.H. (2017). “Saalian-Holocene dynanmics of the Drentsche Aa valley system”. MSc. thesis, Wageningen University & Research.
Dataset access
Dataset contains: (1) GPR data from Drentsche Aa at the locations Amen, Loon, Gasteren2 and Schipborg. (2) Coring data and LLG software (©Utrecht University) to open coring data. (3) Radiocarbon (14C) data. and (4) Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating results. Dateset is temporary stored in DataVerse
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Contains: Dataset access Publication open access
Last modified: 30/01/2019
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