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On evaluating social learning outcomes of serious games to collaboratively address sustainability problems: A Literature Review

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Published on 12/11/2018 by R. J. den Haan & M. C. van der Voort

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Robert-Jan den Haan

Output contains: Publication open access

Innovative components

Serious games are increasingly applied in various disciplines and specifically to enhance social learning. However, there is no clear methodology on how to apply and evaluate serious games on social learning. The conducted literature review examined how three types of social learning – cognitive, normative and relational learning – have been evaluated in the application of serious games where players collaboratively address a sustainability problem.

Findings and Implications for practice

Based on the literature review, two to three synthesized assessment approaches are presented for each of the three learning types – cognitive, normative and relation learning. This overview may therefore serve as a reference for scholars designing and evaluating serious games where players collaboratively address a complex issue, particularly those that address sustainability problems. Explicitly assessing cognitive, normative, and relational learning may help to separate the nature of learning through collaborative serious games.

Overview of all publications included in the review, the quality assessment and the categorization of the data in relation to the research questions. (Source: den Haan et al. 2018)

Journal publication

Den Haan, R.-J.; Van der Voort, M.C. On Evaluating Social Learning Outcomes of Serious Games to Collaboratively Address Sustainability Problems: A Literature Review. Sustainability 2018, 10, 4529.

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Last modified: 16/07/2019