Interviewed for the national news (look at the minute 11:40 in Dutch).
Due to river normalisation, release of toxic substances and intensity agriculture, the biodiversity has declined over the last 150 years. Between 1997 and 2012 this trend was reversed and the number of species of flora and fauna increased. Especially birds and mammals profited due to the measures taken in the river floodplains over the 15 year period. Read more the nrc national news (in Dutch).
The 80 seconds coverage on the national news caught the essence of our first publication. Just like researchers, the journalists have to tell a compelling story, but their time is very limited and the audience is much wider. It is important that a large audience hears this message, because there is an overwhelming amount of negative news on biodiversity loss, and we showed that man-made changes can counteract this trend. Further explore the storyline for a visual overview of our findings for a practitioner audience.
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Biodiversity recovery and flood risk adaptation at delta scale
We calculated biodiversity scores to show the recovery from 15 years flood risk adaptation that consider nature requirements.

Menno Straatsma
Utrecht University
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Last modified: 13/12/2019