Featured in news:
RiverCare was featured on the DeltaLink edition about rivers
The Room for the River programme aimed at increasing flood safety by creating space for water. However, when considering integrated management, there are other aspects to take into account such as biodiversity and navigability.
01/10/2016 by dr. ir. Astrid Blom
View detailsUpcoming NCR events
We join the events that the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR) promotes to discuss with communities of both research and practice.
Featured in blogs:
Framing collaborative governance: Looking back and forward this PhD journey
First RiverCare PhD thesis. An interdisciplinary journey to understand the framing on the maintenance of Dutch floodplains.
12/03/2018 by Jan Fliervoet
View detailsIn memoriam of those who once contributed to RiverCare
11/06/2018 by dr. ir. Denie Augustijn
In a four years period (2014-2019), there have been certainly many people who contributed to our work. However in 2018, two people passed away...
Side channel dynamics from the perspective of four-years research
17/06/2019 by Pepijn van Denderen
Side channels are common river interventions, but how do they develop and how fast do they fill with sediment?
How to use biomass from riverine areas? Two projects, two approaches, one PhD journey
17/06/2019 by Swinda Pfau
A transdisciplinary approach to sustainable biomass use: combining green house gas emission calculations and interviews with river managers.
Follow the pretty pebbles
01/06/2017 by Victor Chavarrias
Victor's research aims at predicting how the river will behave if water management authorities consider to add sand to the river.
Featured in events:
Knowledge sharing meeting in Witteveen+Bos, Rotterdam
How can we apply the researchers’ findings to improve our designs and environmental impact assessments? How can we share lessons learned from RiverCare within our team of engineers and consultants?
25/05/2019 by Leon de Jongste
View details20/06/2018
PlanSmart + RiverCare = Smart River Symposium
In order to exchange experiences between the two projects, researchers of the German PlanSmart project and the Dutch RiverCare project, as well as invited guests met on the 19th and 20th of June 2018 in Hannover.
Sharing knowledge with HKV, one of the project partners.
For RiverCare, it is very important to have face to face meetings to exchange the knowledge, and make sure to discuss with interested parties the results of the researchers.
Rivercare Knowledge afternoon
‘From science to the practice of the hydro-morphological functioning of streams’
Knowledge sharing meeting in Witteveen+Bos, Rotterdam
How can we apply the researchers’ findings to improve our designs and environmental impact assessments? How can we share lessons learned from RiverCare within our team of engineers and consultants?
RiverCare researchers at the "Future River" conference of the NCR days 2018
What does the future river look like? How will we study, manage and interact with distant fluvial landscapes?
Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics 2017 in Padova (Italy)
Seven intrepid researchers took part on one of the most important conferences on the field.
Featured in news:
Dutch serie “Vroege Vogels” (Early birds) about nature and ecology in the Netherlands
During the 2017 summer and autumn a fish monitoring campaign was performed by RiverCare and experts from Bureau Waardenburg.
07/11/2017 by Remon Koopman
View detailsHow much sand does a secondary channel yield?
10/03/2020 by Pepijn van Denderen
The construction of a secondary channel creates an additional habitat for life in the river. But such a secondary channel also causes the flow...
Learn from the subsurface to let rivers sway again
31/08/2018 by Jasper Candel
Insights from the historical evolution of the Overijsselse Vecht shows that river restoration and water management in the hinterland can not be seen separately...
The stream evolution is also interesting for managers and people living close to the stream
08/03/2017 by Jasper Candel
Fieldwork insights and novel theories that were found by drilling into the past are told for everyone who wants to know more about it.
Collaborative monitoring or longitudinal training dam effects in the Waal River
15/07/2018 by Prof. dr. S.J.M.H. Hulscher
RiverCare is part of 'WaalSamen', a collaborative group to measure and compare the effects of the longitudinal dams as an alternative to river groynes.
Featured in newsletters:
Brochures about the longitudinal training dams
Communication of project results is important to enable the exchange of knowledge between the different stakeholders affected by the river intervention in the case study area in the Waal.
19/03/2018 by Laura Verbrugge
View detailsBrochures about the longitudinal training dams
19/03/2018 by Laura Verbrugge
Communication of project results is important to enable the exchange of knowledge between the different stakeholders affected by the river intervention in the case...
RiverCare Newsletter editions
25/06/2018 by Juliette Cortes Arevalo
Approximately twice per year RiverCare researchers prepare this newsletter to get you up to speed with our progress. We hope that you contact us...
Citizen Science newsletter editions of a participatory monitoring project
01/12/2017 by Laura Verbrugge
Monthly newsletters during the fishing season and a Facebook page update participants of the ongoing activities and results.