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Sharing knowledge with HKV, one of the project partners.

Posted at 14/06/2019 by dr. Ralph Schielen

For RiverCare, it is very important to have face to face meetings to exchange the knowledge, and make sure to discuss with interested parties the results of the researchers.

Contact details

dr. Ralph Schielen

Rijkswaterstaat Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Frank Collas presenting his results about the ecology of longitudinal training dams.

Six researchers gave short presentations

Results in papers and PhD-thesis need to be elucidated by the researchers to put it into the hearts and minds of the people who are going to use the knowledge. These meetings are an excellent example of this valorization and dissemination process. So also for the consultancy firms, these meetings are of imminent importance. Therefore, on the 14th of June, RiverCare visited HKV Lijn in Water, one of its partners. HKV is a lead institute in the Netherlands in Flood Risk and Water Resources Management. A selected group of 5 RiverCare researchers gave short presentations, focusing on ecological and morphological problems related the sediments modelling, design of longitudinal dams, side channels and natural banks. The group was extended by a PhD-candidate of the project Rivers2Morrow ( because these two projects are closely connected.

HKV presented a case study to facilitate the discussion

HKV presented itself and explained their involvement in hydraulics and morphology worldwide. The real exchange took place when researchers and employees of HKV met in a discussion around a case study that was carried out by HKV (and Deltares, Rijkswaterstaat and the World Wildlife Fund), and which was related to mitigating bed erosion by floodplain lowering (which is also beneficial for increasing biodiversity). In that discussion, valuable ideas and suggestions were given, which can be used in the next phase of that project. RiverCare is not only about producing knowledge. If the knowledge is not used, there is little added value. These meetings contribute to knowledge exchange and facilitate the actual use of the knowledge.

Presentations and discussion around a case study related to mitigating bed erosion by floodplain lowering.

Last modified: 13/12/2019