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Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics 2017 in Padova (Italy)

Posted at 15/09/2017 by Victor Chavarrias

Seven intrepid researchers took part on one of the most important conferences on the field.

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RiverCare contributor

Victor Chavarrias

Delft University of Technology

An insane amount of interesting research difficult to digest in just a few days if not for the nice wine and fine Italian food:

  • Pepijn explained which mechanisms are relevant in the morphodynamics of side channels. Interestingly, his first paper was accepted during the conference. The editor must have been touched.
  • The technological advances came from Gonzalo, who showed what drones can do for rivers for his project about natural Bank erosion processes.
  • The audience of Jasper was fascinated when learning about an innovative concept to explain the formation of very tight and relatively fixed bends in a Dutch peat-filled valley. Not only power matters!
  • Tjitske showed progress results of her project about the backwater effects of river interventions to restore streams such as the placement of wood in low-land rivers.
  • Liselot showed first results of her project on Numerical Morphodynamic modelling that if you want to assess the equilibrium state of a river there is no need to run long simulations. It seems that we have been waisting computational time!
  • Timo presented in the session on bars and mixed sediment processes together with some of the greatest scientists in the field. For his experiment with a line laser scanner tracking the bedforms in a laboratory flume, he uses polystyrene —a light-weight sediment— instead of sand and he has achieved dynamic similarity for his physical scale model.
RiverCare researchers at the conference venue.

Eventually, Victor showed in his publication “Ill-posedness in modeling mixed sediment river morphodynamics” that, as Metallica would say, nothing else matters if your equations are wrong.

Last modified: 13/12/2019