Found 13 Entries - Page 1 of 2
What would the Meuse look like today if the past centuries had not intervened?
22/01/2024 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
Background information now includes information on the Meuse. What are the natural dynamics, what has our human activity done to the Meuse and what...
“If sandscaping works we can implement it immediately.”
08/08/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
How do we stop the erosion of the river bed? And what measures can help? These are important tasks within the Integral River Management...
“The Rhine is full of data that can be applied elsewhere.”
08/08/2023 by Jana Cox
Jana Cox (Utrecht University) conducted research on the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta within the Rivers2Morrow program. The research has now been completed and the follow-up...
“We want to make the system naturally robust and climateproof.”
08/08/2023 by dr. Ralph Schielen
Ralph Schielen (Rijkswaterstaat) initiated Rivers2Morrow within Rijkswaterstaat about five years ago. In the field of management and policy of the Dutch rivers there were...
“Contribute to a greener, more stable and better functioning system.”
08/08/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
Anouk Boon (Utrecht University) and Joshua Climo (Radboud University) are the PhD students within Rivers2Morrow's latest research project. The research on ecology and morphology...
First PhD research within the Rivers2Morrow Research Programme has been completed.
14/03/2023 by Jana Cox
It is with great pride and pleasure that to inform you that the first PhD research within the Rivers2Morrow research programme has been completed....
Change in progress research on ‘Supply and origin of fine sediments from the catchment area of the Rhine’
01/02/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
In December 2020 A PhD student started at Utrecht University on research topic ‘Supply and origin of fine sediments from the catchment area of...
Interview Jana about doing research for Rijkswaterstaat
07/03/2025 by Jana Cox
PhD student Jana Cox knows why researching Dutch rivers is precisely what makes them so interesting: "The Netherlands has the knowledge base when it...
Research posters now available online!
07/03/2025 by Wybren de Jong
For most of the research of Rivers2Morrow, research posters are available. The posters can be found by clicking on the link below. The posters...
UU feature: “Delta scientists report four ways to save deltas from sea level rise”
19/05/2022 by Jana Cox
Four strategies were discovered which are used to save deltas from drowning, ranging from a specific type of sluice gate construction to mangrove restoration....
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