Featured in news:
First PhD research within the Rivers2Morrow Research Programme has been completed.
It is with great pride and pleasure that to inform you that the first PhD research within the Rivers2Morrow research programme has been completed. From Utrecht University, Jana Cox has been researching the sediment balance in the Rhine-Meuse estuary and the role of sediment management in it.
14/03/2023 by Jana Cox
View detailsUpcoming NCR events
We join the events that the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR) promotes to discuss with communities of both research and practice.
Featured in blogs:
Blog Jana Cox
Jana Cox has a personal website where she displays her publications and findings in a blog format.
05/10/2022 by Jana Cox
View detailsBlog Jana Cox
05/10/2022 by Jana Cox
Jana Cox has a personal website where she displays her publications and findings in a blog format.
Featured in events:
NCR Days 2019
The 2019 edition of the annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR Days) was held on the Utrecht University campus on 31 January and 1 February 2019.
31/01/2019 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
View details31/05/2024
Rivers2Morrow Student Event
PHD Thesis Defence Jana Cox
The first of the 8 researches within Rivers2Morrow has been completed! Jana Cox has done here research at Utrecht University, investigating the sediment balance in the Rhine-Meuse estuary and the role of sediment management in this. Jana will defend her PhD thesis on March 14th. More information can be found by visiting the external link below.
NCR Days 2022
Delft University of Technology is proud to host the NCR DAYS 2022 “Anthropogenic Rivers”. Once again, the NCR DAYS will provide a podium for young and established researchers and professionals to present their work on rivers. The LOC is preparing a program to ensure a safe and inclusive conference. The NCR DAYS 2022 is a hybrid conference.
NCR Days 2021
The annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR), the NCR-days, was organized by the University of Twente on 11 and 12 February 2021.
NCR Days 2020
The 2020 edition of the annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River Studies (the NCR Days) was organized by Rijkswaterstaat and took place on February 13 and 14, 2020 in Nijmegen at the Honig Complex.
NCR Days 2019
The 2019 edition of the annual meeting of the Netherlands Centre for River studies (NCR Days) was held on the Utrecht University campus on 31 January and 1 February 2019.
Featured in news:
"The Rhine is full of data that can be applied elsewhere."
Jana Cox (Utrecht University) conducted research on the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta within the Rivers2Morrow program. The research has now been completed and the follow-up is a fact. Jana talks about her experiences, the insights and about the start of her next research. Jana has been researching the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta for the past few years. What she liked most about the research? The rare overlap in science policy. "I had a lot of contact with other PhD students, universities, the...
08/08/2023 by Jana Cox
View detailsWhat would the Meuse look like today if the past centuries had not intervened?
22/01/2024 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
Background information now includes information on the Meuse. What are the natural dynamics, what has our human activity done to the Meuse and what...
"If sandscaping works we can implement it immediately."
08/08/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
How do we stop the erosion of the river bed? And what measures can help? These are important tasks within the Integral River Management...
"The Rhine is full of data that can be applied elsewhere."
08/08/2023 by Jana Cox
Jana Cox (Utrecht University) conducted research on the Lower Rhine-Meuse Delta within the Rivers2Morrow program. The research has now been completed and the follow-up...
"We want to make the system naturally robust and climateproof."
08/08/2023 by dr. Ralph Schielen
Ralph Schielen (Rijkswaterstaat) initiated Rivers2Morrow within Rijkswaterstaat about five years ago. In the field of management and policy of the Dutch rivers there were...
Featured in newsletters:
Dutch: R2M Newsletter march 2020
01/03/2020 by dr. Ralph Schielen
View details[NL] Newsletter August 2023
15/08/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
[NL] Newsletter January 2023
13/05/2023 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
Newsletter July 2022: Introducing Rivers2Morrow
05/07/2022 by Evelien van Eijsbergen
Dutch: R2M Newsletter march 2020
01/03/2020 by dr. Ralph Schielen
Featured in videos:
Explenatory Video Jana Cox: Sediment Budget of the present Rhine-Meuse Estuary
09/01/2020 by Jana Cox
View detailsExplenatory Video Jana Cox: Sediment Budget of the present Rhine-Meuse Estuary