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Framing collaborative governance: Looking back and forward this PhD journey

Posted at 12/03/2018 by Jan Fliervoet

First RiverCare PhD thesis. An interdisciplinary journey to understand the framing on the maintenance of Dutch floodplains.

RiverCare contributor

Jan Fliervoet

Radboud University Nijmegen

PhD defense on November 19th/2017 at Radboud University.

My Phd journey started in September 2011, I participated in a two-years scientific research program, called Urban Regions in the Delta. I continued my PhD research in the scientific research program RiverCare. In this program, I explored and discussed:

On the 9th of November/2017 I successfully defended my PhD dissertation (see photo). Looking back on my PhD journey, I learned how collaboration is framed by Dutch water and nature managers and how to write scientific articles or project proposals. But most of all I enjoyed working with the interdisciplinary team of RiverCare researchers and users. Thank you all!

Source: BetterWetter Project

What is next?

I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Science in Society of the Radboud University. In collaboration with a PhD student, I am working on a serious game about integrated river basin management in Indonesia, especially for the Indonesian governmental organisations. Besides working at the Radboud University, I work as a project leader for the professorship sustainable water systems at Van Hall Larenstein University of Applies Sciences. My projects focus on the transition towards sustainable water systems and climate adaptation, especially within urban areas. Examples of projects are “Better Wetter: naar een toekomstbestendig waterbeheer”, Climate Stress Test Friesland and Climate Canals.

Last modified: 13/12/2019